Doesn't reversal make the format even more luckbased.
Riskbreakers said:I will prefer Catcher over Reversal any freaking day.
alex said:If we don't get rid of Keldeo, Landorus, Machamp and Vileplume, and add a lot more consistency cards, this format is going to be just as stupid as the current one (if not more so). Zekrom EX might be a good card to get rid of too.
alex said:I thought that Vileplume was removed, but it seems like its still there. I'd get rid of Landy because if you can get the turn 1 going first, you're going to wreck any Stage 2 deck you're facing, almost no matter what it is. Zek EX would be because without Catcher to keep it in check, Eels could just get the consistent 150 turn after turn.