Finished [YPPY] Count to X ~ Round V (Win: 500 by Mods!)

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Ever since I was a young boy at the age of 13, so many years ago, I dreamed of becoming a mod. For the love of the community. For the love of the site that I have spent so much time on. For the site I would wake up and check first thing in the morning. And it always was for the love of the community-until I saw the power displayed in the thread "[YPPY] Count to X ~ Round V (Current lead: 20 by Mods). I wanted the power. The feeling of victory. To join the cause of expanding that lead.

I mean uhh one yes ONE
Okay, waaaaay to rub it in that we fell for such a clever ruse. -1 cool point from me.
Okay, waaaaay to rub it in that we fell for such a clever ruse. -1 cool point from me.

You didn't update the thread with Members lead Mods 42-20, so did you really fall for it? Unless you did that, and I complete missed it.

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