Yugioh Rant

Subsection 1.1: Nice 1337s
These 1337s are very rare. They are almost always modest. They are never at top tables, but they aren't at bottom tables either. They are always in the middle. They just want to have a good time. This is what everyone should be. Not bad, but not cocky either.
Subsection1.2: Cocky 1337s:
These are the most common types of 1337s. They are almost always at the top tables simply fueling their ego. They make fun of n00bs all the time. They have a lot of money and do not stop the spending on YuGiOh cards. They swear quite often, and have zero respect for anything official. They will often cheat to get their ways
Those kind of people exist in Pokemon TCG too, and the Nice 1337's are even more rare there. My area is full of cocky 1337s. ._.