z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop [CLOSED]

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RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Thank you vary much I love it!!!

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

KK, so pls vote on my poll ^^

Why do you don't use it =/
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Kan I have a banner?

Pokemon: Empoleon MD(on the left), and Gyrados MT(on the right) and Cessation Crystal(In the middle).
Background: Bluish crystal.
Text: GYRO
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Hi, just wonder if u could make me a banner...?
Pokemon: Gyarados, Banette and Cresselia
Bacground: a nice one :)
text: Arithmatic.....It will own you!
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

@ Freaky_Jirachi:
I will do it if I am ready with B_M's one OK!
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

So I am ready with some works =)

@ Freaky Jirachi:

@ Seby-Roy (He has send me the Request in a PM)

@ B_M:
Sry I can't do that cause CC is to hard to cut out it would look terrible sry =/
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Can you please add "Flygon999's WorkShop" to my banner? If not, can I? Cuz you made it.
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Oh Sry that was the thing I forgot I will do it now ;)
Here, I am ready ;)

RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Thank you!!!! =D

But, it sais "Flygon999'y WorkShop" I'd like for it to be "Flygon999's WorkShop".
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Nope that is a 's' but it looks like a 'y' you are right ;)
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Can you put a different `s` there instead? thanx!!!!!
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Sry I have deleted the Old Image do you still have your Banner without writing 's Workshop on it ?
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Yes! Thanx z0n3 g3tt3r!!!! =D
I like it!

Btw, how do I make the banner center and a url link?
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

For make it center they're is a button when you open Threads =)

And for the Link in a Banner use this:

[*URL=the link you want][*IMG]link to image[*/IMG][*/URL] Without the '*'s
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop

Okay thanks!!! *updated* and how do I make it centered?