Forgive my ranting, but I felt that it was a rub on my face. Let's rewind back at the Wizards days. Wizards made it very difficult to pull holos by making a non-holo version and in the gym set certain exclusive cards were given rare. My luck wasn't pretty, many rare cards I had were either non-holo or the ones I didn't want. Combining both gym sets I only pulled Misty's Golduck (it was about 25 boosters combine) for holo. Blaine's Arcanine and Brock's Rhydon were from the theme deck. It was because of my pull my interest in pokemon tcg dwindled. I somewhat regain interest in Fall 2006. And it was a little on and off interest since. When Celebration was announced, I was literally happy because I wanted all three starters, and that Rocket's Zapdos. Unfortunately, I didn't like the pikachu stamp and decided to skip Celebration. Hopefully they do reprint them in high resolution, I apologize for causing any trouble.