****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******
##Pokémon - 11
* 1 Oranguru SSH 148
* 1 Absol TEU 88
* 2 Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX CEC 156
* 4 Jirachi TEU 99
* 3 Zacian V SSH 138
##Trainer Cards - 37
* 2 Escape Board UPR 122
* 1 Great Catcher CEC 192
* 1 Vitality Band SSH 185
* 4 Professor's Research SSH 178
* 4 Custom Catcher LOT 231
* 1 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189
* 2 Marnie SSH 169
* 4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
* 4 Quick Ball SSH 179
* 4 Switch ROS 91
* 1 Shrine of Punishment CES 143
* 2 Lysandre Labs FLI 111
* 1 Giant Bomb UNM 196
* 1 Metal Frying Pan FLI 144
* 1 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
* 1 Mallow & Lana CEC 198
* 1 Reset Stamp UNM 206
* 2 Tag Call CEC 206
##Energy - 12
* 1 Unit Energy {G}{R}{W} UPR 137
* 10 Metal Energy Energy 8
* 1 Aurora Energy SSH 186
Total Cards - 60
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
It took a while to gather the right cards for this. This deck aims to take huge KOs with Zacian V after setting up with Intrepid Sword, with Arceus/Dialga/Palkia GX boosting the damage and taking extra prizes with Altered Creation. Unlike the other ADP versions, I can afford to sacrifice ADP to get a Zacian swinging for multiple prizes.
This deck is partially based on Omnipoke's list, hence some 1-off cards. Giant Bomb deters OHKOs on the big attackers, Metal Frying Pan helps against Fire decks, and Vitality Band lets Zacian nail the 270 HP Tag Teams with Altered Creation active. I'm wondering which of these tools is the right one. Since I'm using multiple tools, I'm not sure on the addition of Lysandre Labs, either.
##Pokémon - 11
* 1 Oranguru SSH 148
* 1 Absol TEU 88
* 2 Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX CEC 156
* 4 Jirachi TEU 99
* 3 Zacian V SSH 138
##Trainer Cards - 37
* 2 Escape Board UPR 122
* 1 Great Catcher CEC 192
* 1 Vitality Band SSH 185
* 4 Professor's Research SSH 178
* 4 Custom Catcher LOT 231
* 1 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189
* 2 Marnie SSH 169
* 4 Metal Saucer SSH 170
* 4 Quick Ball SSH 179
* 4 Switch ROS 91
* 1 Shrine of Punishment CES 143
* 2 Lysandre Labs FLI 111
* 1 Giant Bomb UNM 196
* 1 Metal Frying Pan FLI 144
* 1 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
* 1 Mallow & Lana CEC 198
* 1 Reset Stamp UNM 206
* 2 Tag Call CEC 206
##Energy - 12
* 1 Unit Energy {G}{R}{W} UPR 137
* 10 Metal Energy Energy 8
* 1 Aurora Energy SSH 186
Total Cards - 60
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
It took a while to gather the right cards for this. This deck aims to take huge KOs with Zacian V after setting up with Intrepid Sword, with Arceus/Dialga/Palkia GX boosting the damage and taking extra prizes with Altered Creation. Unlike the other ADP versions, I can afford to sacrifice ADP to get a Zacian swinging for multiple prizes.
This deck is partially based on Omnipoke's list, hence some 1-off cards. Giant Bomb deters OHKOs on the big attackers, Metal Frying Pan helps against Fire decks, and Vitality Band lets Zacian nail the 270 HP Tag Teams with Altered Creation active. I'm wondering which of these tools is the right one. Since I'm using multiple tools, I'm not sure on the addition of Lysandre Labs, either.