4 blitzle nxd
3 zebstrika nxd
1 zebstrika nvi
3 zekrom bw
2 tynamo (free retreat)
2 tynamo (thunder wave)
3 eelektrik nvi
1 eelektross dark explorers
1 zapdos nxd
3 cheren
4 juniper
4 n
2 random receiver
3 level ball
3 ultra ball
2 super rod
10{L} energy
2 dce
the strategy is to either get a turn 2/3 disconecct or to use zekrom for early sweeping
then to get eelektriks on the bench so if you use zebstrikas lightning crash you can
retreat the next turn and load it with energy thanks to dynamotor
3 zebstrika nxd
1 zebstrika nvi
3 zekrom bw
2 tynamo (free retreat)
2 tynamo (thunder wave)
3 eelektrik nvi
1 eelektross dark explorers
1 zapdos nxd
3 cheren
4 juniper
4 n
2 random receiver
3 level ball
3 ultra ball
2 super rod
10{L} energy
2 dce
the strategy is to either get a turn 2/3 disconecct or to use zekrom for early sweeping
then to get eelektriks on the bench so if you use zebstrikas lightning crash you can
retreat the next turn and load it with energy thanks to dynamotor