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ZekEel & Co.

RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Decrease your PONT count to 2. 4 seems over when you've got N. Remove your PokeGear 7.0 and replace the spots with 2 Random Receivers and 1 more PlusPower.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

IMO 2 PlusPowers are enough.
Well, Thundurus is very good early game, so I like to run 2 of them. Don't run 3 Zekrom, 2 should be enough. Zapdos could be good in the ending of the game when your opponent has run out of resources (or after a N to 1 card) and you catcher something with high retreat cost and then start sniping. At this point, it all comes to your playstyle and personal preferences. Removing 1 PONT should be fine. I don't know if the best card to put in it's place would be Super Rod, but as I said, it all comes down to your preference :D
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

I have finally playtested the deck in real matches and I found out the following:

Zapdos was not that helpful as I imagined and will replace it with one Tornadus or Tornadus EX (can't decide which). Another Thundurus is really useful, but most of the time I really needed the second Skyarrow Bridge for free retreating. Mewtwo EX (even though only one in the deck) is an amazing card and the real reason why I was the most successful on the tourney. It was the only thing that made me survive a Terrakion assault and because of which I beat Quadrrakion.

Because of the sudden rise of Terrakion and Mewtwos success against it I am thinking about maybe buying another Mewtwo EX or a Tornadus EX. Tornadus EX would really come great in handy because of its large HP and his resistance with Eviolite would really be a great advantage against Terrakion. I'm only sceptic about Tornadus EX because there are plenty of Lightning deck zapping around my metagame and don't wish to be stuck with if and give my opponent an extra prize.

But if I get a chance to buy a Tornadus EX and another Mewtwo EX, i need to make more room for the one more pokemon. Tornadus EX replaces his non-ex version, but what about the second Mewtwo EX? Should it rather be instead of the Tornadus EX, Zekrom, Thundurus? I really do not wish to remove any more trainer cards, Pokegear would be the only candidate for that if necessary.


And another question, since I did not playtest this new exact list. I played before 4x Oak's new theory and 3x Level Ball, now I'm running one less of each. Should I try to include another Level ball/Oak and for what?
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

If you do get a Mewtwo EX and a Tornadus EX, you could remove a Zekrom EX since both Tornadus EX and Mewtwo EX are way more useful IMO. No need to be afraid to run Tornadus EX, even if you start with it you can get it charged by T2 and doing 100. You can still take atleast 1 prize :)
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

for another tornadus EX and tornadus EX, I would
-1 dual ball (3 collector should be enough)
-1 whatever you want
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

So far even the only Zekrom EX turned out waaaaaay useful so I'm sceptic about removing him at the moment. But the Dual Ball idea from Jirachi might work out as well. The dual ball actually was very useful alongside the Collectors.

We'll see when I playtest this specific version a bit more.

But thanks to everybody for all the help :D
I updated the deck. Did the following:

-3x Pokemon Collector
-1x Eviolite
+1x PONT
+3x Dual Ball

And i have the following question regarding the current list:
1) I always found a recovery card like Super Rod very useful so I don't know if I should remove something for it. Maybe a Lightning Energy?
2) What should I remove for one Ultra Ball? I'd like to keep four Dual Balls and two Level Balls in the deck, though.
3) I don't have two Eviolites in the deck, but I was planning both of them form the beginning. Is the second one necessary?
4) At the moment I play two Skyarrow Bridges and two Switches and it works great. but I fear one of the four cards seems to be extra. Should I remove one of them for either Eviolite, Super Rod or Ultra Ball?
5) If i get a Tornadus EX and a Random receiver, I'll remove one Pokegear and a Tornadus for it. At the moment I play with what I have.

Thanks for any help.

P.S. What should I do in order to counter a Truth deck?
I honestly really dont see a need for Zekrom EX right now the extra 30 isnt really worth it in my opinion and can be replaced by Raikou Ex if youre afraid of Truth deck. If you take out the Zekrom ex then I could see taking out at least 1 DCE for a super rod because then you only have the tornadus and mewtwo to fully utilize the DCEs. I think you would be fine going to 1 thundurus or to 3 tynamos for ultra ball and/or eviolite and I also think youre tynamos should be 40 hp ones now with quick darkrai exs around. 2 switch and 2 skyarrow is fine.