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Zekeels for Nats!

Infinity said:
Updating list with nats list

4 40 HP Tynamo
3 Eelektrik
2 Thundurus
1 Zapdos -1. I haven't found this card too useful. He just takes up space
2 Zekrom
2 Mewtwo
1 Terrakion NV
1 Smeargle
+1 Zekrom EX. You would be stupid not to run him

4 Dual Ball -4 Dual Ball. Replace this with Collector. Much more consistent
3 Catcher
4 Junk Arm
2 Level Ball
3 Switch -1. You only need 2
3 N
3 Juniper
4 Pont -1. Put in another Juniper. You need 4 to saw through your deck
1 Super Rod
1 Eviolite
1 Random Receiver
2 Skyarrow Bridge -2. I've never found this useful, and your opponent more likely than not plays it
+1 Energy Search. Junk Arm it to search out those Fighting Energy

9 Lightning
3 Fighting -1. You need DCE more than this
+ 4 DCE
3 Switch and 2 skyarrow are mandatory since I run all 40 hp tynamo and smeargle.
I usually use a draw supporter on turn one, which means I can't play Collector.
DCE is (almost) useless because the only thing it works for is Zekrom EX (may not run that), and mewtwo.
I'll get run over by Terrakion if I don't have Zapdos.
I think you definitally need to put 1 Raikou EX in here. It completely pwns if you get the first Eel KO. It is very hard to revenge KO other than with Terrakion, and its first attack is decent. It also has a good retreat. Play it instead of Zapdos. Since all the changes that I would have thought of were already made by Venasour, I don't have anything else to say other than don't run 4 collectors if you follow with his changes. 3 is good enough. I'd also drop an N for a Level Ball because N's are only useful late game. Also, 4 Juniper is overkill, add a Sage's or 2. (i'm commenting if you were to do Venasour's edits, because I agree with MOST of them).
Infinity said:
3 Switch and 2 skyarrow are mandatory since I run all 40 hp tynamo and smeargle.
I usually use a draw supporter on turn one, which means I can't play Collector.
DCE is (almost) useless because the only thing it works for is Zekrom EX (may not run that), and mewtwo.
I'll get run over by Terrakion if I don't have Zapdos.

You don't need all 40 hp tynamos. People usually donk 40 hp Tynamos as well as 30 hps. Play 2-2 Tynamo free and 40hp. Skyarrow is not necessary if you know how to survive without it, and to say DCE is useless is telling me that you have no idea about Zekeels. Zekeels NEEDS DCE. Its is mandatory. It helps nearly everything. Also, collector is SO much better than Dual Ball.
1. 100% search.
2. Searchable through Pokegear/Random Receiver
3. You don't need to waste, yeah I said waste, you junk arms on possibly failing again. Think about it.
Also, Tornadus is SO much better a tech against Terrakion than Zapdos.
I see 2 cards that would rather use DCE instead of lightning.
I'd rather not get decimated by Darkrai because I run 30 HP tynamos. Like I said before, I may run a 2-2 spilt. I may run DCE.
It all depends on testing.
You have to be smart. If you know you are against Darkrai, Uh duh don't play down the 30 hps. I can tell a lot of Pokemon that DCE helps.
Eel to retreat when catchered up to stall.
Mewtwo to ko an opposing Mewtwo or to run Through an opponent.
Zek EX is self explanatory
Zekrom for outrage when you can't bolt strike, or to retreat it.
Smeargle for the donk.
Retreating an active Terrakion
And no you will not always draw into a switch.
2 of the points you mentioned can be easily executed by Switch
Don't play down Terra if you can't power him up and get the ko
Pssh, Smeargle for the donk
Infinity said:
2 of the points you mentioned can be easily executed by Switch
Don't play down Terra if you can't power him up and get the ko
Pssh, Smeargle for the donk

Smeargle donk was a joke. What about after you do attack Terrakion? All you use it for is Retaliate, unless you are planning to use its second attack. Once again, you cannot draw into a switch every time. 3 isn't necessary. DCE can do the same things that switch can (technically) and has a double purpose.
I'd rather not attack with terrakion's second attack though for many reasons. It costs 3 energy, two of which are fighting, it will probably be KOd after the opponent's next attack so terrakion and both of your fighting energies will be in the discard pile, and I'd rather just go back to hitting for more than ninety each turn, unless its against another zekeels.
Your list seems a bit paranoid about Eels getting catchered, 2 Skyarrow and 3 Switch is more than I‘d recommend. It is justifiable, though.

I‘d take the Tornadus EX out for a Zekrom EX. In my experience so far, Terrakion decks don‘t really mind a single Tornadus, with or without Eviolite. At best, they attack four times for two prizes, while you hit back for two KO‘s with the Tornadus. Not bad, since mono-fighting tends to be tight on resources, but it‘s hardly going to win you the war. The huge firepower of Zekrom EX still warrants a minimum of one slot in every deck IMO.

If you have a good reason for Tornadus EX, other than Fighting decks, feel free to ignore this post.