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Zekeels, once Magneel


Swift Swimming Away...

Pokemon: 16
2 Zekrom
4-3 Eelectrick
2 Zekrom EX
1 Zapdos
1 Thunderus
2 Mewtwo EX
Trainers: 30
3 Juniper
2 Plus Power
1 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Switch
3 Eviolite
4 Collector
2 Level Ball
3 Catcher
1 Super Rod
3 Sages
4 Junk Arm
Energy: 14
10 Electric

After not doing very well at states with Magneel, I decided to switch to ZekEels. Classic ZekEel strategy, setting up Eelectrick to charge up Zekrom and others. I'm considering adding Thunderus.
RE: Magneel

I usually find 4-3 eelektrik a more consistent line to run if one is prized. I also find zekrom EX helpful sometimes too for attacking but if you can't get it then ok. Try
-1 cleffa (to make room)
-1 switch (just to make room)
-1 sage's (optional)
+1 DCE (you run out of energies sometimes)
+1-0 eelektrik (consistency)
+1 catcher (optional. I find 3 catcher to be more reliable)
RE: Magneel

I don't often need the DCE, and it also counts as 1 energy for Magnezone. And though I would like a third Tynamo, Cleffa can be huge, and I'm hesitant to get rid of switch, since Magnezone has such a huge retreat cost.
RE: Magneel

Then don't add catcher and keep the switch. It was optional and was just an idea. DCE was more for the non-magnezone attacks like mew two and zekrom.
RE: Magneel

It's not necessary, but a Zekrom EX could help you out a lot in some matches (and yet do nothing in many others). I top-cutted running this (before losing to Donphan/Mewtwo/Tornadus):
3-3 Eels (30 HP Tynamo for free retreat)
3-1-3 Magnezone
1 Zekrom
1 Zekrom EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Thundurus

N is just SO helpful with Zone, so I'd -1 Juniper, +1 N. And I also don't think you need Skyarrow (CMT already will play it, and you don't really need it) or 4 Communication. Try -1 of each, & +2 Level Ball instead. Or maybe add another lightning energy. 11 seems a little bit too low for me.

Anyway, I hope I was able to help, and good luck!
RE: Magneel

I don't think level ball is too useful for eelzone, so I don't think Ill add it. But, do you think I should have 4 N? The Juniper is really helpful for discarding energy, which never seems to happen with Sage's
RE: Magneel

Sage's also helps get out magnezone if you also happen to have a rare candy in your hand but if you don't like it then I'd
-1 sage's
+1 juniper
if it suits you more. Maybe drawing power wise PONT may help refresh your hand too. Also in my experience zekrom EX has been really helpful to OHKO the opponent's weaker pokemon so I'd take out something for it maybe, but its optional. I'd also
-1 card you don't think you really need
+1-0 eelektrik for consistency and in case one is prized.
I think 3 N is enough since you may want to use other supporters too.
RE: Magneel

I don't know what to take out, though.
Also, should I switch the Zapdos to Tornadus? Which is better?
RE: Magneel

Its your preference really. Some prefer zapdos and some tornadus. You should test both to see which one you like better.
RE: Magneel

I guess Zapdos, then. Also, ow to I keep from being completely killed by straight Terrakion? Or is that inmpossible for this deck?
RE: Magneel

Well Zapdos has - 20 {F} Resistance, 120 HP, and with Eviolite it can take at least 3 hits from Terrakion before it's KO'ed unless they Catcher something else up. The biggest problems I had playing MagEels at States were going up against Zebstrika (Fruit Stripes.dec) cause Disconnect shuts off any means of getting Magnezone out with Rare Candy so up the Stage 1 Magneton's a bit and you need to get out exactly 3 Magnemite's on the bench otherwise If you just have 2 they can Lightning Crash one to where you're down to just one Magnemite.

Two is opening games with Mewtwo EX which will leave you at a huge disadvantage If your Opponent gets off X Ball before you do for a 2 prize lead. I've played against CMT where I open the game with Mewtwo EX and couldn't draw a single Collector or Draw Supporter to recover cause my Opponent setup so quickly. By the time I managed to get a Draw Supporter I got nothing to help at all, and my opponent managed to X Ball me like crazy. Mewtwo Wars are unfun cause alot of times you will feel like you're at the receiving end of a shotgun If you're not careful.
RE: Magneel

Zapdos works as a counter. If the version of straight terrakion you are playing doesn't have any mew twos then I guess mew two could help too. Against a deck like that I'd just run zekrom EX and mew two and other basics to just OHKO their pokemon continuously. Maybe you could increase the zekrom EX or mew two EX count?
RE: Magneel

I don't really know either. But if room does appear that is what I would do. The only thing I can see if taking out magnezone completely if you decided to make a zekeels deck but that would not be what you would want.
RE: Magneel

I got 8th out of 17 in states. Do you think Zekeels is a better play?
RE: Magneel

What state are you in? 17 seems like a really small number.
Anyway, ZekEels is probably a better play as the meta is shifting to nearly all big basics. Especially in the next sets with Raikou EX, etc. ZekEels will be much faster and could hit harder.
You need a drawing supporter that doesn't discard, because sometimes you need hand refreshers too. I'd say
-1 sage's (to make room)
-1 juniper (to make room)
-1 zekrom (usually 2 is enough in the decks I've seen)
-1-2 eviolite (don't need that many)

+2 N/PONT (your choice for which one)
+2 N/PONT (which one you don't like as much)
+1 attacker like zapdos (as a counter against straight terrakion), tornadus (same as zapdos), or thundurus (to discard)