• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.


Darkness Drago

Aspiring Trainer
Regionals is close and im still trying to find a deck to run but im leaning close to this one but the terrakion deck is coming along to. Its eel people you should know what the strategy is but basically you start with thundurus and get your basics set up and then you charge. Next u will hopefully attach your third energy next turn and take a prize with thundurus. After he gets KOed bring up zekrom ex and start taking names. Eels should be set up by turn 2 and zekrom by turn 2 or 3(depends on the opening hand). The Shaymin ex is for terrakion and tyrouge for donks on tynamos and babies.

16x Pokemon
3x Eelektrik(noble vic)
4x Tynamo(free retreat from noble vic)
2x Zekrom Ex(next destinies)
1x Mewtwo Ex(next destinies)
1x Shaymin Ex(next destinies)
2x Zekrom(Black and White)
2x Thundurus(noble vic)
1x Tyrouge(Call of Legends)

14x Energy
2x Prism

30x Trainer and Supporters
3x Professor Juniper
3x Pont
3x N
4x Junk Arm
4x Duel Ball
3x Level Ball
3x Catcher
2x Eviolite
2x Pluspower
2x Switch
1x Super Rod
Darkness Drago said:
Regionals is close and im still trying to find a deck to run but im leaning close to this one but the terrakion deck is coming along to. Its eel people you should know what the strategy is but basically you start with thundurus and get your basics set up and then you charge. Next u will hopefully attach your third energy next turn and take a prize with thundurus. After he gets KOed bring up zekrom ex and start taking names. Eels should be set up by turn 2 and zekrom by turn 2 or 3(depends on the opening hand). The Shaymin ex is for terrakion and tyrouge for donks on tynamos and babies.

16x Pokemon
3x Eelektrik(noble vic)
4x Tynamo(free retreat from noble vic)
2x Zekrom Ex(next destinies)
1x Mewtwo Ex(next destinies)
1x Shaymin Ex(next destinies)
2x Zekrom(Black and White)
2x Thundurus(noble vic)
1x Tyrouge(Call of Legends)

14x Energy
2x Prism

30x Trainer and Supporters
3x Professor Juniper
3x Pont
3x N
4x Junk Arm
4x Duel Ball
3x Level Ball
3x Catcher
2x Eviolite
2x Pluspower
2x Switch
1x Super Rod

You need Sage's Training, it's a giant staple in this deck. So I suggest:

-1 Tyrogue
-1 Super Rod
-1 N

+4 Sage's Training
-1 Shaymin EX
-2 Prism energy
-4 Dual Ball
-1 Tyrouge

+1 Mewtwo EX
+2 Sage's Training
+2 Lightning Energy
+3 Pokemon Collector

I would also Reccomend using a few Pokegear 3.0
P.S Do you mean Thundurus EP? :p
Good luck at regionals, fellw ZekEels player! :)
Yeah im used to saying nvi and nxt. Im going to test the shaymin but tyrouge and duel ball have won me many games and sages never works for me and i hate them personally.
I think that this list is pretty solid but I think some sage's can be worked in. Around two maybe. So maybe
-a pokemon?
I'm not really sure because everything looks pretty good.
I have bad experiences with sages and I personally dislike it. I agree its good but there have to many times ive played and no energy just a lot of stuff i needed.