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Zekeelz for Battle Roads and probably Nats

Your Master

Aspiring Trainer
4 tynamo free retreat
3 eelektrik
2 zekrom
1 zekrom ex
1 mewtwo ex all I have
1 tornadus ex
1 tyrogue
2 thunderus
1 cleffa

3 collector thinking about dual ball
3 juniper
3 sages
3 n
1 random reciever
2 level ball
3 catcher
2 switch
4 junk arm
2 plus power
1 super rod
2 eviolite
2 lost remover


Strategy is to set it up very fast which is why Im thinkin about taking something out and running four dual ball. I just want to make it faster and more consistent.
-1 cleffa/tyrogue (only one of them needed IMo)
-1 sage's (only 2 needed)
-2 lost remover (not needed)

+1 juniper (good discarding)
+1 random receiver (2 is better)
+1 revive? (could help in a mewtwo war)
+1 other.maybe another zekrom or something
Yeah, definitely take out the lost removers (unless of course they have been really helpful) to add in at least a revive (for what Jirachi said) and a random Receiver to help your consistency. I don't see why only one of Cleffa/tyrogue is needed. They both serve different purposes. But if people in your area are not running many 30HP tynamos or babies, I think that you could drop him for Battle Roads.
Well,it was mainly to make some room but you an leave both in if nothing else is needed I think.
no skyarrow bridge with tornadus ex sounds odd? I'd definately find room for 1 or 2 especially since you're running tornadus ex.
Skyarrow bridge isn't really needed IMO. Sure it could be helpful sometimes but I don't think there may be enough space for around 2.
ok, I think that I can cut a tyrogue or cleffa but honestly, lost remover has saved my but so much and it can help against zoroark and other dark decks. maybe i could take out a sages for a juniper or random recievers
Change the Tynamos to 3 40 HP and 1 30 HP. This will help because Darkrai EX can snipe the Tynamos that have 30 HP. Change the Tyrogue to a Tornadus. 1 Tonradus EX and 1 Tornadus is a good combo. Tornadus EX discards an energy for tails and Tornadus recycles energy. It will help a lot in a Terrakion matchup. Terrakion will see more play because of ZekEels and Darkrai EX.