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Zekrom and Friends! need advice...

The Pikachu Mafia

HTL is the Flippy Beam of Doom.
okay so I WAS a mageel player (and still am..) but the other day my sister wanted to test her mewbox deck against the BDIF, Zekeels. so I build this deck out of scrap and immediately fell in love with it, and now I wanna see how consistent it can get:

Pokemon: 14

2x Zekrom BW
2x mewtwo EX
3x Tynamo NVI #39
1x Tynamo NVI #38
3x Eelektrik NVI
2x Thundurus EPO
1x zekrom EX

T/S/S: 32

3x Juniper
3x Sage's Training
2x N
4x Junk Arm
3x Catcher
4x Dual Ball
2x Eviolite
2x PlusPower
2x Switch
2x Level Ball
1x Super Rod
2x SSU

energy: 14

10x Lighting
4x DCE

well I used my knowledge on Eelzone to build this baby. Discard as many energy as possible on the first couple turns. Thundurus is a great starter and is even better with Skyarrow bridge. Zekrom are easier to get out than magnezone, cleffa gets me out of horrible hands, and zapdos I choose over tornadus because he has higher hp and can hit the bench without catcher. I don't know how popular Sage's is in Zekeels so if there's a better supporter lmk and I'll take it out....

I really could use some help with this deck as I want to maybe take it to philly this April. I also am not sure about only having 3 DCE... any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Try more of a 4-3 eelektrik because its more consistent. I'd take out a thundurus for another zekrom. I usually find 1 thundurus enough because by the time it is KOd or you retreat it the energies will be setup because sage's and juniper and junk arm are also there to discard. I'd max out the DCE though for mew two.
thanks for the help! I find that if I run 1 thundurus I can't start with it enough... I'll definetlt test that though! thanks :)
Try this:
-2 Skyarrow (don't see the need in this deck, especially since your opponents will be catchering Eels if they want to stall for time)
-1 Cleffa (if you have to eek in this format, you've probably already lost)
-4 Collector (using your supporter for the turn on a Collector makes the deck too slow imo)
-2 Zekrom EX (too high retreat cost, 150 damage doesn't really do anything notable, and starting with one of these is devastating. You could keep 1, but taking both out is better imo)
-1 Zapdos (takes too much to attack and doesn't do much, Terrakion still 2hkoes. Against straight Terrakion you should be attacking with Mewtwos + Eviolite, and Zekrom if you absolutely need to)
+2 N (in place of the PONT's, I find that hand disruption is very helpful against CMT matchups since you will usually be down in prizes.)
+4 Dual Ball (these over Collector)
+2 Zekrom (in place of Zekrom EX)
+1 Tynamo w/ free retreat (4-3 line is better)
+1 Juniper
+1 Pokegear (helpful if you can get it in the discard early game so you can junk arm out of dead hands)
+1 DCE (helpful for Mewtwo wars) OR +1 Switch (3 Switch can help, and will help to mitigate the lack of Skyarrows)
hmm you have a point I was on the line about either zapdos or tornadus (with eviolite it's a 3hko for both...) but I guess niether is really nessasary since mewtwo wont be killing mewtwo against terrakion also with enough draw support I guess I could pull cleffa too. However I really like zekrom EX, not only does he hit for 150, Plus Power + Junk Arm/Plus power lets me OHKO mewtwo EX speaking of which, he gets energy into the discard. if zekrom EX is in the deck then I must keep in skyarrow :/ I suppose I could run the count of DCE up to 4 so I can retreat them if necessary instead of a 3rd switch, also it give tynamo 38 free retreat in case I might need to send it out... I'll try Dual ball (I heard it was good) but I just don't like how flippy it is and it doesn't work under a lock (say in the middle of a mewtwo war with the truth) of course I'm just theorymonning here.... :/ so in the end here are the edits I will make:

-1 cleffa (it's good but....)
-1 zapdos (I like him however there are better cards here)
-4 collector (I'm not totally sold on this but if it's supposed to be like ZPST, I'll try it)
-1 skyayarrow (I'll try 1 for now :/)
-1 PONT (going down to 1 PONT seems a little low...)

+2 N
+1 Zekrom
+1 DCE
+4 Dual Ball (maybe..)

I might also take out 1 eviolite to fit something else in :/ I'm not sure....
In this deck I'd rather use collector but its just an opinion thing. Could you update the list? It would be a lot more helpful.
sure list updated :) also this is what it would look like for everyone too lazy to look up xP

Pokemon: 14

2x Zekrom BW
2x Zekrom EX
2x Mewtwo EX
2x Tynamo NVI 39
1x Tynamo NVI 38
3x Eelektrik NVI
2x Thundurus EPO

T/S/S: 32

4x Pokemon Collector
3x Professor Juniper
3x Sage's Training
2x N
4x Junk Arm
2x Level ball
2x Eviolite
2x PlusPower
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
1x Super Rod
2x Skyarrow Bridge

Energy: 14

4x DCE
10 Electric

so what does everyone think of this list? I might try 1 thundurus but I'm bordering the land of many Mulligans :/
Your list is pretty good. a bit similair to mine.
Skyarrow Bridge is almost never needed. Retreating Thundurus isnt that hard, Dual Ball and collectors are based on your own playstyle.
I would remove 2 Skyarrow bridge for Pokegears or SSU (works similair like switch for recharging zekrom ex, the only difference is that you heal zekrom ex)
hm interesting I heard SSU was good.... I'll try it, but I'm addicted to skyarrow :p... hm I need to do more testing >.<
You may need something to counter fighting types such as terrakion (since straight terrakion is good and pretty popular now). I'd suggest zapdos or tornadus since they have resistance to fighting types and can both use electric energy.
some people say go with it, others say scratch it =.= which one do you think I should do (zapdos can sinpe the bench however, tornadus can abuse Skyarrow better :/)
Its your preference. Many people like zapdos but many people also like tornadus. I'd test each one out to see what is more suited to your playing style.
hmm I figured out that I don't really need either of them :/ as they only work against terrakion (which isn't that popular around here) and going Mewtwo + Eviolite crazy works too :/
Jirachi said:
Its your preference. Many people like zapdos but many people also like tornadus. I'd test each one out to see what is more suited to your playing style.
Its more metabased. Zapdos works better vs trainer lock while tornadus+ eviolite steamrolls donphan.
if you really want to abuse skyarrow bridge run stuff like Smeargle/Absol prime
okay after some thought (and a whole lot of testing) this is the list I came up with:

Pokemon: 14

2x Zekrom BW
2x mewtwo EX
3x Tynamo NVI #39
1x Tynamo NVI #38
3x Eelektrik NVI
2x Thundurus EPO
1x zekrom EX

T/S/S: 32

3x Juniper
3x Sage's Training
2x N
4x Junk Arm
3x Catcher
4x Dual Ball
2x Eviolite
2x PlusPower
2x Switch
2x Level Ball
1x Super Rod
2x SSU

energy: 14

10x Lighting
4x DCE

how does this one work and what would you do with it from here?
Looks solid but I think there are just a few things that might be better. From what I've seen and heard from zekeels players, 2 zekrom EX is almost a must because it helps so much and gets OHKOs pretty easily. So I would
-1 eviolite (or energy or 1 thundurus to make room)
+1 zekrom EX (it helps a lot)
hm I'll try that (I'll probably pull an energy or something bec pulling thundurus mean there's more chance I have a force start with say Zekrom EX and 2 eviolite is a must in the terrakion matchup)