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Zekrom Eels EX

Red Fwog

Time for my first post on these forums. Hopefully I can get some awesome feedback from here as non of the other forums I have joined have commented on my deck.

1 x Cleffa (CoL-24)
3 x Eelektrik (NV-40)
2 x Mewtwo EX (ND-54)
1 x Thundurus (EP-97)
3 x Tynamo (NV-39)
3 x Zekrom (BW-114)
1 x Zekrom Ex (ND-51)

Trainers and Supporters: 31
2 x Eviolite
4 x Junk Arm
3 x Level Ball
2 x Pokegear 3.0
3 x Pokemon Catcher
4 x Pokemon Collector
3 x Professor Juniper
3 x Professor Oak's New Theory
4 x Sage's Training
1 x Super Rod
2 x Switch

4 x Double Colorless Energy
11 x Lightning Energy

Ok so I have just come back to Pokemon after quitting yu-gi-oh due to the costs of playing that card game became massive.

As you can see, it is just a regular Zekrom/Eel deck. Use Eelektrik to power up bench and then hit hard with Mewtwo EX and Zekrom. Zapdos to snipe the bench and to help against any Fighting pokemon my opponent may have.

Tested it out at my local tournament today (which I found out runs unlimited format which sucks) and ended up coming 3rd.
Looks pretty solid.

Just drop 2-3 communication for 2-3 level balls. They can help set the eels up a lot faster
Yeh I agree. I was trying to find room for level balls. I have dropped 2 P-Coms for 2 Level Balls. Should I use 3 Level Balls or just 2 and 1 P-com to search out Zekrom and the other main beaters??
Well, your list looks very solid. I would change somethings, tho.
First, 4 Pokémon Catcher isn't really necessary. 3 should be enough. I personaly don't like Zapdos. I would rather have 2 Zekrom EX or 3 Mewtwo EX than a Zapdos. You don't need Communication. Not even 1. You don't have any Stage 1 or 2 that can't be searched out with Level Ball and Collector let's you get all the basics you need. Eviolite aren't that needed. 2 are enough. The only thing they will protect you from is Terrakion. 4 Junk Arm is absolutely mandatory in any deck that doesn't use Vileplume. It is very versatile, since it lets you re-use any trainer you want and also helps discarding Energy. I'd also add more Supporters since Consistency is the key.

Well, this is what I would do:
Take out:
- 1 Zapdos
- 1 Zekrom BW (you shouldn't need 3, you have Super Rod)
- 1 Eviolite
- 1 Catcher
- 1 Communication
- 1 Lightning Energy
Total: 6

+ 1 Zekrom EX/1 Mewtwo EX/1 Other Attacker
+ 1 Junk Arm
+ 1 Level Ball
+ 1 Juniper
+ 2 Sage's Training
Total: 6

This should make your list a little more consistent. You can also take Cleffa out or some Draw Supporters for Techs, but I wouldn't advise to do it until you're extremely comfortable with the deck. Hope I helped ;)
You definitely need to have another zekrom EX since they go great with this deck. Zapdos isn't that bad because it is a fighting counter. If no zapdos then maybe tornadus?
-1 cleffa (optional. I'd start with thundurus or something but that's just my opinion)
-1 communication (level ball takes care of eelektrik)
-2 electric (to make room)
-1 PONT (to make room)
-1 pokemon catcher (3 is enough. there is also junk arm to help)

+1 zekrom EX
+1 junk arm (discard and get back trainers)
+2 sage's (discard)
+2 N (pretty good drawing power)

I'd also add a sky arrow bridge to help with switching. Maybe -2 PONT for 2 or -1 for 1?
I originally had Skyarrow Bridge in here, but I dropped it in favour of other cards. I don't think there was a time at locals where I needed to retreat my active basic pokemon (Eelektrik's kept getting catchered out though but I usually had Switch to save me)

I agree with the Eviolite...Drawing 3 of them sucked haha, Will drop 1 for another Junk Arm and Will drop the P-Com for a 3rd Level Ball. I will try a 2nd Zekrom EX but I rarely used my 1st one during the tournament and I will definitely add 2 more Sage's Training when I get them. I'm not too sure about Juniper though as she nearly decked me out one game (the 1 game when I didn't draw switch with a Eelektrik out drew down to 2 cards in the deck both of which were switch). Fortunately I ended up coming back and winning that game though.