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Zekrom Ex/Eel/Lanturn

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
Please Help me on Saturday is City Champion and i would like to play a deck like this

3-2 Lanturn
4-3 Eel
2 Zekrom
2 Zekrom Ex
2 Mewtwo Ex

4 {C}{C}
10 {L}

3 Juniper
4 Sage's
4 Collector

1 Super Rod
3 Level Ball
3 Catcher
2 P-Com
2 Eviolite
3 Junk Arm

Cards which i could add:
Skyarrow Bridge
-3 Electric energy
-1-0 eelektrik
-3 Level Ball (I think that communication can work better than this since lanturn prime can't be searched with level ball)
-1 super rod

+0-1 Lanturn (pyramid lines aren't that great)
+1 Junk arm
+1 Shaymin EX (I don't think this is that needed but in my experience, it can save you)
+2 Switch
+2 Communication
+ 2 Prism(or rainbow)
+1 N (I think that this can work better to disrupt the opponent's hand)
thanks for your help. But i don´t know if it would be that great to make the elektirk line thinner. Super rod is in there because i play a litte line of lanturn which should be a tech and not my main attacker.It´s also there to recover my dead eelektrik and build them a second time.I don´t konw if shaymin would help me, i need two second energies for it and it´s not so good.
But i post my new decklist
3-2 Lanturn
4-3 Eelektrik
2 Zekrom
2 Zekrom Ex
2 Mewtwo Ex

3 Juniper
4 Sage´s
1 N
4 Collector

2 Level Ball
3 P-Com
3 Junk Arm
3 Catcher
1 Rod

2 Skyarrow Bridges

10 {L}
Its lanturn prime. Its better than the other lanterns. Just wondering but are you using two different tynamos? 3 of one kind and 1 of the other? If you are then I wouldn't cut the dynamo. I don't think that revive is really necessary since it only works for basics and super rod is already there.