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zekrom/vileplume tank deck


Aspiring Trainer
x(1st thread yay) this is built on from a dead thread
i need help on making a zekrom vileplume deck. so this is what i have so far
4 zekrom bw
3-1-2 serperior bw
2-2-2 reuniclus bw
1-1-1 bellossom
2-1-2 vileplume ud
1 pichu hgss
1 cleffa
26 pokemon

4 teamrocket trickery
2 twins
1 prof oak
2 prof elm
4 rare candies
2 ruins of alph
2 interviewer's questions
4 pokemon communication
1 switch
22 tss

15electric energy
4 doublecolurlrss energy

>>>the reason it is sooo bad is because i squeezed it out from 1 deck and a couple of boosters. yeah<<<
so please can i have some help

the strategy: the final gameplay will be where zekrom bolt striking away whilst sereperior and bellossm heals the damage counters that reuniclus has moved. also smeargle gets you the abilitty to play two supporter cards (hopefully) because vileplume stops you fromplaying trainers( most importantly your opponents'). pichu is the main set-up so you can bring on all the basic pokemons onto the bench. cleffa refreshes your hand. i really have no clueabout t-s-s. well pokeball, prof elm and pokemon communicaion is for finding the right pokemon.
overall, ithink my deck has too many types of t-s-s. how about you? if so please help.
I wouldn't use such small lines for Pokemon. For important Stage 2 lines, 3-1-2 is the best possible line. There are 3 of each basic because with 3-40 HP, they are both easily knocked out.

-2 Full Heal (you can't use this under trainer lock, not many decks use status infecting cards.
-2 Pokeball (Pokemon Communication is better because it doesn't rely on a flip)
+2 Communication (doesn't need a flip)
-1 Revive (can't be used under trainer lock)
-1 Smeargle (Because of Supporters such as Juniper that will ruin your hand if thats the only Supporter that can be chosen, you shouldn't use Smeargle)
-1 Switch (can't be used under trainer lock)
+1 Oddish (needed to get Vileplume)
+1 Vileplume (one isn't enough. It could be prized)
+1 Solosis (ineeded to get Reuniclus)
+1 Duosion (needed to get a Reuniclus)
+1 Reuniclus (to move damage around)
thanks so very much , do you think i should get rare candies to evolve them quicker before vileplume comes into play? also what if the stage 1 pokemon is prized. maybe add another one?
ok so here is the editted one:
4 zekrom bw
3-1-2 serperior bw
2-2-2 reuniclus bw
2-1-2 vileplume ud
1 pichu hgss
1 cleffa
23 pokemon

4 teamrocket trickery
2 twins
1 prof oak
1 prof elm
2 ruins of alph
2 interviewer's questions
4 pokemon communication
1 switch
17 pokemon

...errr.. that means 20 {L}? or whatever they're called tornado energy or rescue energy or rain bow energy.or add other trainers? sorry. but thanks a lot!!!:D
Yeah, I would run 4 rare candies even with vileplume as you have 3 stage 2 lines.
Also I feel that Pachirsu Shaymin combo with seekers for them + vileplume when needed could work well.
Would you please also update the first post with the updated decklist?

Also, you should probably run four Double Colorless Energy. While yes, Zekrom can Bolt Strike to do lots of damage, that will require three turns to setup, on top of already having to setup Reuniclus, Vileplume, and to a much lesser extent, Serperior. That's slow, so being able to at least do damage while everything is setting up is important. Plus, since it might still take a while for Zekrom to charge up even when you get all of your lines out, Zekrom can soak up a lot of damage, which lets Outrage do even more damage for only one Energy. You can move damage around the board until you can attack your opponent with Outrage for an appropriate amount of damage.
guys I appreciate your help but the numbers don't work out. 26 pokes, 22 tss and 19 energies? which cards shall I take out of the deck?

and these cards are the ones i have so far...
3 zekrom
3-1-1 sereperioer
2-2-1 reuniclus
1-1-1 bellossom
2-1-1 vileplume
1 pichu
1 cleffa
22 pokes

4 pokemon communication
1 switch
4 team rockets trickery
2 twins
2 interviewers qestions
2 prof elm
1 prof oak
2 ruins of alph
18 t-s-s

15 {L}

this is the time i go to "buying cards " or whatever its called to buy the cards i need right?
i was just thinking, after i've read through other deck lists, this deck is way too slow ithink. any ideas on improving the speed. and this is just a silly thought, is this not a good proper deck? just a fun deck. After i've read through other people's decks, I suddenly lost faith in this deck. thank you.