• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Zeno503 Trade Thread - Looking for DCE's,


A Slow bro who says Slowbro slowly


If you dont respond within 2 days of your trade offer, I'll trade with someone else. Time is money.
I Only send trades within the USA
No Japanese cards

(H) Holo
(RH) Reverse Holo

Trades/Pending Trades:
eevee -
My x1 Shiny Deoxys

Afro-G - Their:
1x Crobat Prime
2x Muk PL
2x Nuzleaf RR
1x HS Psychic Energy
1x Memory Berry
2x Buffer Piece (x1 RH)
1x Spiritomb AR
2x Skuntank G PL
x1 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND Bottom Half
x1 Unown R
x1 Cyrus's Conspiracy
x1 Team Galactic's Inventor G-109 SP Radar
x2 Bebe's Search
x1 Arceus Grass
x1 Arceus Water
x3 Pokemon Communication

Shiftry x3
Umbreon Prime
Weavile HS Undaunted

Any Pokemon Sleeves
Any Pokemon Playmat
Pokemon Call of Legends Deck Box
Double Colorless Energy xX
Rare Candy xX
Broken Time Space xX
Lost World x3
Gengar Prime x2
Metagross LA x3
Heartgold Soulsilver Basic Metal Energy xX
Heartgold Soulsilver Basic Psychic Energy xX
Rising Rivals Nuzleaf x1
Rising Rivals Seedot x2
Stormfront Ghastly x1

x1 Rayquaza C H
x1 Giratina #28 H
x1 Darkrai Lv.X
x1 Cresselia Lv. X
x1 Unown G
x1 Mesprit H
x1 Entei RH

Call Of Legends:

x1 Mismagius RH
x1 Feraligatr RH
x1 Pachirisu H
x1 Gyarados H
x1 Kyogre H
x1 Sage's Training[/b]

x3 Eevee
x2 Pidgey
x1 Teddiursa
x1 Ursaring
x1 Clefairy
x1 Snubbull
x1 Tyrogue
x3 Phanpy
x2 Hitmonchan
x2 Hitmonlee
x2 Totodile
x2 Relicanth
x1 Magikarp
x1 Slowpoke
x1 Mime Jr,
x1 Misdreavus
x1 Cyndaquil
x2 Quilava
x2 Magmar
x2 Vulpix
x3 Flareon
x1 Pineco
x2 Tangela
x1 Mareep
x1 Flaaffy
x1 Houndour
x1 Skarmory
x1 Mawile

x3 Copycat
x2 Lost Remover
x1 Old Rod

HS Triumphant:

x2 Dratini
x2 Dragonair (x2 RH)
x2 Dragonite
x3 Pidgey (x1 RH)
x1 Pidgeotto
x1 Pidgeot
x2 Lickitung
x2 Lickilicky
x3 Aipom
x2 Porygon (x1 RH)
x1 Porygon2
x2 Swablu
x1 Kangaskhan
x2 Diglett (x1 RH)
x1 Cubone
x1 Marowak
x7 Swinub
x4 Piloswine
x2 Mamoswine (x1 H)
x1 Wailmer
x1 Wailord
x3 Psyduck
x1 Golduck
x2 Luvdisc
x3 Tentacool
x2 Tentacruel
x2 Spoink
x3 Gastly (x1 RH)
x3 Shuppet
x1 Banette
x1 Nidoran F
x1 Nidorina
x2 Nidoran M
x1 Nidorino
x1 Skorupi
x1 Unknown CURE
x2 Ponyta (x1 RH)
x1 Magby
x1 Magmar
x5 Bellsprout
x3 Weepinbell
x4 Venonat
x3 Venomoth (x2 H)
x2 Kriketot
x1 Illumise
x1 Volbeat

x1 Black Belt

HS Undaunted:

x9 Eevee
x3 Rattata
x3 Raticate
x3 Togepi
x2 Togetic
x1 Togekiss
x2 Gligar
x1 Hitmonlee
x1 Hitmonchan
x1 Vaporeon
x1 Drifloon
x1 Drifblim
x1 Misdreavous
x6 Houndour (x1 RH)
x1 Sableye
x1 Sneasel
x1 Weavile
x5 Aron
x2 Lairon
x1 Flareon (RH)
x1 Slugma
x1 Pinsir
x1 Leafeon
x1 Pineco

x4 Sage's Training
x7 Energy Exchanger
x1 Legend Box

HS Unleashed:
x2 Teddiursa
x1 Ursaring
x4 Tauros (x2 RH)
x3 Spearow
x3 Fearow
x1 Dunsparce
x1 Stantler
x8 Mankey
x1 Primeape
x5 Onix #57
x1 Riolu
x3 Squirtle
x2 Wartortle
x2 Buizel
x1 Floatzel RH
x3 Poliwag
x2 Poliwhirl
x1 Poliwrath
x2 Horsea
x3 Beldum
x2 Metang
x2 Magmortar H
x2 Magmar
x3 Vulpix
x1 Numel
x1 Torkoal
x2 Weedle
x2 Kakuna
x2 Carnivine
x3 Chinchou
x1 Minun
x1 Plusle

x3 Interviewer's Questions
x1 Cheerleaders Cheer
x2 Dual Ball

Heartgold Soulsilver:

x1 Hoothoot
x4 Cyndaquil
x2 Quilava
x1 Typhlosion H
x4 Growlithe
x1 Arcanine
x2 Pikachu
x4 Mareep
x2 Flaaffy

x2 Full Heal
x2 Switch
x1 Copycat

x1 Bagon
x1 Salamance H
x1 Lopunny
x2 Nosepass
x1 Wormadam sandy cloak
x4 Wingull (x2 #80)(x2 #81)
x3 Ghastly (x2 #36)(x1 #64)
x1 Haunter #42
x3 Gulpin (x2 #40)(x1 #66)
x1 Ponyta
x2 Beedrill G
x2 Treecko #78
x1 Tangela #76
x1 Burmy plant cloak
x1 Burmy trash cloak
x2 Bronzong (x1 #14)(x1 #33)

x1 Department Store Girl RH

Supreme Victors:
x2 Gabite
x1 Chatot G
x1 Togekiss C
x1 Altaria C
x1 Raticate G RH
x1 Chatot
x1 Buneary
x1 Starly
x1 Lucario C
x1 Relicanth
x2 Breloom
x2 Seel
x1 Mudkip (herd u lik me)
x1 Corphish
x1 Seaking
x1 Roserade C
x1 Meditite
x1 Drifloon
x2 Mime Jr.
x1 Solrock
x1 Chimecho
x2 Growlithe
x1 Chimchar
x2 Ivysaur
x1 Roselia
x1 Pinsir
x1 Rotom
x1 Plusle
x1 Shinx
x1 Magnemite
x1 Raichu
Rising Rivals:
x1 Rampardos GL
x2 Aerodactyl GL (x1 RH)
x1 Hippowdon
x1 Whiscash 4
x1 Hippopotas
x1 Hippowdon
x1 Spheal
x1 Staryu
x1 Starmie H
x1 Nidoran Male
x1 Houndoom 4
x1 Arcanine H
x1Flareon 4

Pokemon Contest Hall

x1 Slaking H
x1 Tauros
x3 Skitty
x2 Swablu
x1 Cranidos
x1 Diglett
x1 Nosepass
x1 Luvdisc
x1 Psyduck
x1 Lapras
x1 Misdreavus
x1 Dialga
x1 Torchic
x1 Lombre
x1 Caturne
x1 Silcoon
x2 Mareep

x1 Staraptor (A bit roughed on the edges)
x1 Staravia
x1 Piloswine
x1 Onix
x1 Finneon
x2 Roselia
x1 Treecko
x1 Scyther
x1 Raichu RH
x1 Electrode

x1 Poke Blower + RH

Legends Awakened:
x1 Riolu
x1 Poliwag
x1 Tentacruel
x1 Exeggcute
x1 Weepinbell
x1 Victreebel

x1 Cynthia's Feelings

Majestic Dawn:
x1 Glameow RH
x1 Aipom
x1 Burmy
x1 Mothim
x1 Raichu

x1 Helix Fossil

Great Encounters:
x1 Clamperl

Secret Wonders:
x1 Clefairy
x1 Miltank
x1 Kecleon
x2 Rattata
x1 Raticate
x1 Trapinch
x1 Donphan
x1 Blastoise H
x1 Wartortle
x1 Lotad RH
x1 Lombre
x1 Shellos
x1 Wooper
x1 Shellder
x2 Unown X
x1 Unown K
x1 Unown O
x2 Shuppet
x1 Breloom RH
x1 Mothim
x1 Shuckle
x1 Venonat
x1 Ivysaur
x1 Magmortar
x1 Arcanine
x1 Wormadam Trash Cloak
x1 Mareep

x1 Rival

Mysterious Treasures:
x1 Gible
x1 Gabite
x1 Slakoth
x1 Dodrio
x1 Cranidos
x2 Sudowoodo
x1 Graveler
x1 Sandslash
x2 Buizel
x1 Sealeo
x1 Whiscash
x1 Glalie
x1 Alakazam RH
x1 Unown E
x1 Unown T (lol ET)
x1 Vulpix
x1 Kricketune RH
x1 Chikorita
x1 Paras
x1 Shinx
x1 Bronzor

x2 Lake Boundary

More to come..
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's

Approved. Please make sure you have read the rules if you have not already done so.

Thank you.

RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's

Check my list for your:

Machamp Prime
Dialga/Palkia Legend Bottom
Umbreon Prime
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's

Sorry, sold my Machamp Prime today.

@mlouden03: Sorry sold it today, willing to trade BTS for anything else?

@Zangoosed: Your Crobat Prime for my Umbreon Prime?

@pinkerton: Your Metagross LA Holo and your Metagross SV Reverse for anything of mine?
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's

Could you check my list for your x1 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND Bottom Half. Thanks and let me know if you find anything.
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's

@Braves11: Sorry, I thought I added everyone! But there's nothing on your thread I want. Do you have any duplicate rare candies or DCEs?

@Afro-G: Your Platinum Muk, and if you have any DCEs or Shiftry from Rising Rivals?
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's

I have 2x Muk PL, I don't have any DCE for trade, and I don't have any Shiftry RR. Is there anything else you want from me?
I do have a HGSS Basic Psychic Energy unlisted if you're interested.

Post #500!:D
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

@Afro-G: I wanna wait for the offer for the Metagross from Pinkerton, if not then I'll trade you. Is there anything else you wanna trade for the Muk and HGSS psychic energy though? I'll keep posting more cards I have.
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

have any other Primes/Lv. x's? I have all of your wants except Crystal Guardians Memory Berry x3
Double Colorless Energy x4. plus crobat prime x2.
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

CML for Umbreon Prime and DPL Bottom, thanks
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

have any col shinys? I need deoxys, dialga, lugia and raikou
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

@DTartagOne: If I have no answer from Zangoosed I'd be willing to trade for your Honchkrow Lv. X Secret Wonders and Sharpedo Secret Wonders.

I have no Call of Legends for now
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

@EriqDeSmasher: Sorry, I posted up Cresselia Lv. X and Darkrai Lv. X if you're interested. Check my list if there's anything else you want.
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

no that's ok thanks. I'm a player more than collector so i can't use them. Thanks for your time though!
RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's (Looking for Crobat Primes)

I Want:
x1 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND Bottom Half
x1 Unown R
x1 Cyrus's Conspiracy
x1 Team Galactic's Inventor G-109 SP Radar

I Have:
Muk PL x2
Rising Rivals Nuzleaf x2
HGSS Psychic Energy x1

I'm just posting this as a reminder that I still want the PDL along with a few other small things. I also have a few more of your wants.:)
If you trade the PDL to someone else that's understandable, but just let me know if you want to work out a trade with me. Thanks!