RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!
sorry for the long mom needed x-rays etc
You collectively decide to help the colonel, and you beat the rats off of him, drag him outside the door, and then lock it. You know this is only a temporarily solution as they can travel through the pipes or vents anyway. You don't have time to search anywhere else. you need to escape. NOW. Unfortunately, you run back to the Office which you came in, and find the window completely boarded up.
Challenge begins Now. Each post can only contain a single action/attempt at an action. any post with multiple actions will not be counted at all. Each post you faill will be one post closer to the rats entering and devouring you all. Good luck
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!
"Wait.... I have a lighter!!" Cris yelled. He quickly pulled the lighter out of the backpack. "Oh no I think I can hear them... we better hurry!!" Cris used the lighter to char the wood down the middle making it weak.
OoC: We should have taken the hacksaw in the woodshop class! Dx
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!
Cris, being a thief, easily jumped out the window. "I hope we don't get ambushed out here..." he thought. "Hurry you guys! Before the rats get into the room!!" he yelled.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!
Gus jumps out of the window of the Office like a magical princess fairy and lands softly on the outside ground. But then he realized he was in pain and he was dreaming about the fairy princess part.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. FULL REPLACEMENTS CAN JOIN!!!
"I'll take some out with my Kendo stick, provide back-up for me with your guns." Kingsly yells as he swiftly runs towards some Zombies bashing there heads.