Finished Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive LOOKING FOR 2 NEW PLAYERS! GET YOUR APPS IN!!!

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RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

OoC: Thanks ^-^

IC:Sage slashes down the one zombie in his way and dashes past the others as the crowd the car. He had made it though. But now he had to still get to the school. And the more he ran, the more his ankle hurt. Once the zombies were out of sight, he slowed to a walk, limping his way to the school. He held the bloody knife in his shaking hands. His whole body was shaking, he noticed.
Almost there... he told himself
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

OOC: Just suggested this to BrOken. Maybe you can put an update on or apps about where we currently are or how far away from our goal we are.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

Hatman introduces himself to Kingsley and Royal, and they quickly agree on finding things in the school. "I think we should try the janitor's closets first, there's usually something useful in them," he suggested.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

With the shovel in hand, Cris starts to jog towards the high school. "I think I can see it just over there.." he thought to himself. At this point he started to sprint as fast as he could there, exicted about the idea of protection and security from the zombies. "Thank God, I'm almost there." he thought to himself.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

"Hello Hatman, I agree about the Janitor's closet, and Roayl Kendo is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting," said Kingsly.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

OOC: :p ill play off that then :p

IC: catutie stepped out from under the shade of a large tree. "what the? its not night? what ever, THESE ZOMBIES ARE DEAD!!!" catutie said as he shot staple after staple out of his gun.

in total 9 staples
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!


The School is point A. You can probably guess where point B Is or will be. Since the path is completely dependent on You/the wouldn't be 100% accurate unless I constantly update it. You'll get enough clues. don't worry. :)


You enter the school post to enter.


4 of the staples hit their of the zombies goes down, the other are merely hurt.

School Group:

You find a mop, and chloroform
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

"Alright, well, I'm gonna head off to find a Janitor's Closet," Hatman said. "Should one of us stay by this window in case a zombie or another human comes?"

EDIT: *googles chlorofoam*
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

"If they can't make they don't deserve to be rescued. As for zombies. I'll take care of them."

Royal walks back to the office.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

IC: "Royal, would you like to guard the window? I'm sure anything we find in the closet I can make a weapon for you or hatman," Kingsly said. "Okay seems you got it covered so lets head out Hatman!"

OOC:Could you wait a couple of posts before revealing our content?
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

catutie puts the frying pan in his other hand and hits one of the zombies multiple times with it while shooting the other with the staple gun.

3 more shots
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!


lol. sorry.

You see the school close by..2 more posts til you're inside


I actually already posted it. guess you missed it. i'll wait to repost


The remaining zombies fall under the combined weapons.

Keep moving towards the school
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

Jacob shoots two shots at two of the closests zombies, and then runs at the last with the butt of his .357 magnum and lands it on his forehead.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

OOC: nah I saw it, I think you ninja'd Hatman.

IC: "Lets go Hatman, I know where it is," said Kingsly as he leads Hatman to the closet.
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

Azelf Master:

All Zombies go down.

You keep making your way to the school


if you can't tell I'm trying to get everyone to school by Tonight Eastern


kk I'll wait to re-post for everyone else then
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

catutie continues running to the school. He sees a house with the door open that catches his attention. "hmmm...ill check it out" he says as he approaches the house
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

The school was in sight. There was hope for him. He limped down the street, hoping he could make it without running into trouble. Surely if this was a government safe place, there would be guards controlling the zombies around the building. Surely he could get in without incident. Surely they would have some food, he hadn't eaten lunch yet.
Even in a zombie apocalypse, I still think about food he thought, shaking his head
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!

OOC: I don't think Ice_Master is gonna get there by your time. XD Hatman would you like to carry off from what i have done?
RE: Zombie Revolution-The Fight to Survive STARTED. 4 MORE CAN STILL JOIN!!!!


As you approach the house, a dozen zombies in party hats come streaming from it. Turning around, you see baloons on the mailbox. You walked into to a birthday party..with probably dozens more inside.

You can explore after the me. :p


You enter the grounds, one more post to get into the building itself.


I'm Pm-ing the others before bed tonight, also she's a bit of a special case. She's active when she Can Be, and might be busy with summer track training.
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