Brutal Bash based deck, can put Zoroark easily on T2 attacking with a 120 Brutal Bash maybe 140 tnx for the Dark Claws in the deck
Pokemons 12
4 Zorua
4 Zoroark
4 Sableye
Supporters 12
2 N
4 Professor Juniper
4 Bianca
2 Random Receiver
Itens 23
4 Crushing Hammer
2 Enhanced Hammer
4 Dark Patch
2 Dark Claw
4 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
Energys 13
9 {D}
4 {C}{C}
This deck needs to put Zorua on T1 using ascencion or in bench with a DCE to make the Zoroark in T2 attacking with much power, in 90% of times i'm playing this deck is great, Brutal Bashing T2 with 100-140 damage, Ultra Balls and Level Balls helps a lot to fill the bench, N is for the early game because Zoroark can take easy prizes in the early game.
Zoroark is great, can do 2HKO any EX taking 2 prizes early on T3 and can survive a lot with hammers
Ultra Ball/Juniper discarding energies to Dark Patch is a mini combo of the deck, this can save the game sometimes
Sableye can Junk Hunt half of the deck, better is Level Ball/Hammers/Catchers
If the Zoroark keep killing the Catchered Pokemon you can win easily
Zoroark 100HP is not so good, can be easy OHKOED by Empoleon/Terrakion/Tornadus EX and Eviolite just don't fill in the deck
Just Zoroark can kill, if 2 of them is prized ( in one battle the 4s Zoroark are Prized ) the battle can end so fast because neither Sableye or Zorua can kill something.
The deck is disrupted easily if you need the things fast, can be empty with 4 Juniper + Ultra Ball/Level Ball/Ascencion
Main Changes
- 1 Zoroark BW ( Foul Play isn`t doing great, but sometimes Nasty Plot does )
- 2 Darkrai EX ( retreat can be used discarding energies and set back with Dark Patch )
+ 1 Zoroark DEX ( Brutal Bash must be setted early on )
+ 2 Switch ( tested with 3 but 2 showing is enough )
Can you guys help me out to keep improving?