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Zoroark (Zoroark / Yveltal EX) PLS-On


Aspiring Trainer
Here's a deck I've been testing on PlayTCG. It assumes a PS on rotation so that means no Dark Patch and no Sableye. That's a big blow to dark decks, but I think they still have a lot going for them.

Pokemon: 16

  • 2 Darkrai EX
    3 Yveltal EX
    3 Yveltal (theme deck)
    4-4 Zoroark (Ascension and Brutal Bash)

  • 3 Sycamore
    3 N
    3 Colress
    4 Bicycle
    4 Lasers
    2 Virbank Gym
    4 Energy Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Dowsing Machine
    1 Professors Letter
    3 Muscle Band
Energy: 12

  • 8 Basic Darkness
    4 DCE

Strategy: It's a beatdown deck. Goal is to fill your bench up with dark pokemon to get max damage with Brutal Bash. Both Yveltal's are also good here. Some card explanations.

Darkrai EX: While the rise in fighting decks (next set) might make this a risky play, the free retreat is too valuable to ignore, especially with energy switch. It saves deck spots on switching cards, can be searched by ultra ball, powers up Zoroark from the bench, and has a pretty decent attack in it's own right. .

Yveltal: Yveltal EX is self explanatory, but Yveltal provides the energy acceleration that's lost with the likely rotation of dark patch.

Energy Switch: Very flexable card. Can help retreat (Darkrai), add damage with evil ball, or just serve to power up an attacker out of nowhere.

Bicycle: Very good for this type of deck. You're always discarding, benching things so you'll often get a lot of cards with this. It helps speed through the deck and increase the odds of hitting what you need.

Dowsing Machine: I would have perfered computer search, but it might be rotated so this will have to do as the ace spec. (though I guess I could play no ace spec and go with spiritomb instead.

I've actually played it in the current format and it does well so I think dark decks are still going to be a thing.
It's hard for me to imagine running a Dark type deck without Sableye to Junk Hunt discarded Items. You did not list this Poke; any need/want to run it? Also, why no Dark Patch for energy attachment acceleration?
TuxedoBlack said:
It's hard for me to imagine running a Dark type deck without Sableye to Junk Hunt discarded Items. You did not list this Poke; any need/want to run it? Also, why no Dark Patch for energy attachment acceleration?

I believe it is as this is a deck designed for the next rotation where those cards will have presumably rotated out
Just played about 6 games with this exact list on PTCGO, and I'm just amazed. It's incredible. It's fast, hits hard, and can OHKO nearly anything. Words cannot express how much I love this deck, I've seen it around but never played it, or at least thought that the Foul Play Zoroark was better, but I was clearly mistaken. Thank you!

*switches from Yveltal/Garbodor to Yveltal/Zoroark*
Hi pokedan24,

Nice deck. Consider this modified trainer selection:


  • 4 Sycamore
    3 N
    3 Colress
    3 Bicycle
    4 Lasers
    2 Virbank Gym
    3 Energy Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Dowsing Machine
    1 Professors Letter
    1 Silver Bangle
    3 Muscle Band

Wanted the fourth Professor Scyamore to make the deck faster. Traded one Bicycle for it. Also switched one Energy Switch for one tech Silver Bangle to ensure Zoroark can ohko Pokémon Ex with Laser and Bank.
Dark Espeon said:
Hi pokedan24,

Nice deck. Consider this modified trainer selection:


  • 4 Sycamore
    3 N
    3 Colress
    3 Bicycle
    4 Lasers
    2 Virbank Gym
    3 Energy Switch
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Dowsing Machine
    1 Professors Letter
    1 Silver Bangle
    3 Muscle Band

Wanted the fourth Professor Scyamore to make the deck faster. Traded one Bicycle for it. Also switched one Energy Switch for one tech Silver Bangle to ensure Zoroark can ohko Pokémon Ex with Laser and Bank.
You mean 180 EXs with Laser and Bank? I was just going to mention that, actually. Really, I might consider running 2 Muscle Bands, 2 Silver Bangles, since if Zoroark needs to hit those high numbers, it's going to be an EX.
yo_chocola said:
TuxedoBlack said:
It's hard for me to imagine running a Dark type deck without Sableye to Junk Hunt discarded Items. You did not list this Poke; any need/want to run it? Also, why no Dark Patch for energy attachment acceleration?

I believe it is as this is a deck designed for the next rotation where those cards will have presumably rotated out
Thanks. I just re-read the thread title... my bad.

However, I would suggest incorporating at least 1 Lysandre and 1 Pal Pad:

-1 Bicycle. Still leaves 12 card-draw cards.
-1 Energy Switch. From my experience, I feel 3 should be quite sufficient.

+1 Pal Pad. Allows you to recover and recycle discarded Supporters (e.g., Lysandre).
+1 Lysandre. IMHO, this card is just invaluable and works very nicely with Bicycle.
The one thing I've been wanting in this deck to make it more aggressive was Lysandre, and I've been debating on what to take out. I'll test out taking out an Energy Switch and Bicycle for 2 Lysandres and see how that goes.