Ahiro said:IMO is a nice deck. You have the Red Armor of Scizor, that decks that use special energy cannot do anything. I mean... Tyranitar and Steelix will need to not use the special dark/metal. If you encounter against another scizor, you just move the special energies with klinklang, an then KO it. Maybe it needs a heavy tank, like Aggron or Steelix itself, I'll see how it works against new metagame decks. The only bad problem I see is against Reshiram, and it can be easily KO'ed with Zoroark. Maybe it is not the faster deck in the earth, but its a nice idea.
Ahrio I play a T-Tar deck and actually I can hit you even If i have special darks attached to T-Tar. T-Tar's Second move power Claw for a {D}{C}{C} It does 60 and it is not effected by Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, Or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon, and it also will do the base damage of 60 because the attack is not effected by special metal energy, This is the Key to destroying Metal decks with T-Tar