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Zorua's Trades ^_^ W: DEX Stuff H: EX's, FA's, and other fun things

RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

@Pain is here

Ok then, I can do your offer for one vileplume. Please PM me

@The Hybrid

I value reuniclues at around at least 5 or 6 dollars as it is in a very popular dec that is gaining play. So with your offer Im loosing out a lot. Can you please make a better offer?
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

I have 2xSage's Training and 1xCol Vulpix. I was wondering if you had any SF Magikarp.
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

@Man With a Plan

Sorry, I actually don't have any Magikarp SF
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

How about Mesprit MT and Azelf MT.
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

Man With A Plan said:
How about Mesprit MT and Azelf MT.

No, sorry. I really only have currently legal cards (HGSS-EP)
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

I'm interested in your:
1x Beartic RH
1x Yanmega Prime

I have from your Wants:

3x Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Ninetales RH
3x Cyndaquil 60 HP
2x Quilava
2x Sage's Training

Would you do all of the above for your:
1x Beartic RH
1x Yanmega Prime

Please LMK, thanks.
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram


I can do a typhlosion for the beartic, but nothing other than that.

3500th post :D
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

Naw thanks, got my Beartic from league today. Thanks for considering.
RE: Darkvoid's Trades: Primes, Metagame, Legends, all your dreams come true W: Tyram

CML for Yanmega I have 2x Ninetales (roast Reveal) unlisted (one RH)
RE: Zorua's Trades W: MEZ Stuff H: Good stuff

Puckstopper20 said:
x1 Thundurus FA
x1 Zekrom FA


Reshiram EX

LMK, THanks.

Sorry but I'm going to be keeping Reshiram for now (gotta take it off my list). Im also not really looking for FA's, just the cheapest version of the card I can get. If you want anything else though, let me know :)
RE: Zorua's Trades W: MEZ Stuff H: Good stuff

How about
kyurem ex
3 juniper
1 zekrom non-ex
1 RH level ball

Shaymin ex
Creased terrakion FA

Let me know thx
RE: Zorua's Trades W: MEZ Stuff H: Good stuff

Sleeping Snorlax said:
Will you do, My Kyurem EX for your Shaymin EX?

Sorry, I no longer need Kyurems

kroatia said:
How about
kyurem ex
3 juniper
1 zekrom non-ex
1 RH level ball

Shaymin ex
Creased terrakion FA

Let me know thx

Same as above, no longer need Kyurem

dialgarock said:
CML for 2-3 Typhlosion Prime :)

Didn't see anything, sorry
RE: Zorua's Trades W: MEZ Stuff H: Good stuff

I should have a Zekrom somewhere and I have 1 RH LvL Ball. I'm interested in your Regigigas EX.
RE: ZORUA HAS A TRADE THREAD?! (Want: Weavile, RH's)(Have:EXs)

I have:
RH Dark Patch
RH Dark Claw
RH Ultra Ball
RH Rare Candy DE

I'm interested in:
Entei EX FA

Any way we could make a deal work? :)