Wi-Fi Trades ZoruaXanderDarkSnivyPitzVoidLuver's Trading and Services Shop!!!

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RE: Xanderpitz's Thread of Newbness :p

Shaymin: no,

Hello, everyone. Welcome to my thread of awesome...newbness. That's right I'm fresh since R/B/Y and have had a lot of catching up to do, but I need your help.

Do you have 2 DSes to use the Pofetransfer?

Darkvoid: k, no prob.
RE: Xanderpitz's Thread of Newbness :p

Not very. I just got it yesterday. And I have 3 ds' lite xl and DSi.
RE: Xanderpitz's Awesome Trading/Services Thread - Need Partners/Employees!!!

I don't have white. Was I supposed to? o_O xD
RE: Xanderpitz's Awesome Trading/Services Thread - Need Partners/Employees!!!

Hey, i was just asking. Well, anyway, you have to beat the game to use the poketransfer, so unless you beat it or I buy a Gen 4 game (which I probably wont for a while :D), we just have to wait.

WAIT NEVERMIND I GOT IT!!! As soon as i get a partner, who will most likely have a Gen 4 game and B/W. We can use them ^_^. So now we wait.......
RE: Xanderpitz's Awesome Trading/Services Thread - Need Partners!!!!

Lol. Alrighty! PM or email me(click email button) so I can know! XD
RE: Xanderpitz's Awesome Trading/Services Thread - Need Partners!!!!

Ok, I'll put you down as a trade in progress. BTW, if tons of people start making trades Ill have to put you lower on the list until they clear up.
RE: Xanderpitz's Awesome Trading/Services Thread - Need Partners!!!!

Can you breed me a modest litwick with perfect iv's? Timid works to :D Also when you finish breeding it can you EV it to 252 Sp.Atk 252 Spe and 4 HP? I can supply Power Items and other things if neeeded :D Otherwise CML for your services :D
RE: Xanderpitz's Awesome Trading/Services Thread - Need Partners!!!!

Certainly. Hopefully I can find time and sanity. I dont use RNGs or anything else so it could take a while. As for the EVs and such, assuming you want me to evolve it and bring it to LV. 100, right?

Either way, still interested in those Shiny Eeveelutions and Blissey ^_^ Idk what you even have out of those so you can make an offer.

Just a quickie note here to everyone. Im a Senior in High School and Ive got 3 AP exams as well as Senior Finals coming up so I cant get very many requests done quickly atm. I probably have a lot of time this week and next weekend (in May), so most requests will be handled then.
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid57 and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!

I have a Shiny Blissey that I can trade for your Services :D And yeah can you have it with this Final moveset?

Pokemon: Chandalure
Item: Choice Scarf/ Specs
Nature: Modest
EV's: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe/4 Hp
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31
Move 1: Fire Blast
Move 2: Shadow Ball
Move 3: Energy Ball
Move 4: Calm Mind
Thank you :D
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid57 and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!


Put Masuda Breeding as one of my services.
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid57 and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!

CML for shiny ut timburr
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid57 and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!

Darkrai_24: Nope, dont have it. Turns out i had only seen it in the "find the hidden pokemon game" with the forest setting.

Pokemon99: I have like everything in the Pleasant Forest, so Ill form a list tomorrow (since it was under maintenance today) and get back to you on my wants.

OshawottFan: Sure, I just need to catch Dittos with 31 IVs in HP, Atk, and/or Sp. Atk and the right Power items and then ill be able to breed.

Darkvoid: Ill start up on your Deino as soon as I can get the Dittos and Power Items under my belt. BTW, do you want it IV bred or just EV trained?
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!

GASP! If you can IV breed it, and make it keep its egg moves, you'd be a god.
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!

Interested in GMST entei and raikou CML for it please
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!

I thought you could rng? I have the power items so I can supplie those
RE: The DarkPitz Shop - Darkvoid and Xanderpitz's Trading & Service Thread!!!

OshawottFan: I dont think we ever said we could RNG. :/ Either way, I can still IV breed the regular way.

Darkvoid57: Im guessing the Egg move is Dark Pulse am i right? I have a Hydreigon with DP now so even if I lose it on your Deino I have a spare.
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