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ZPS(Zekrom, Pachirisu,Shaymin) deck (HGSS-on)

Which deck will be faster and better?

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guys I made some change in my zekrom/yanmega deck plz comment about it and do u guys think Unown dark is a good choice or not?
RexTeoh said:
And also is seeker better or super scoop up?

just a point on Yanmega (im assuming prime) it has the potential to attack for free but will only definately do so in it's own deck (this is experiance talking). with the way the 1st list is made up it wont do any good.

secondly i usually run both - 2 seeker 4 ssu. or the other way around depending on what im running or just seeker if im not supporter heavy.

i would probably

- Unown DARK
- 2-2 Mega
-2 Dark energy

+ 1 SSU or Seeker
+ 4 Pokemon Reversal (swap for catcher when its released next set)
+ 2 Rainbow
Unown dark is needed for what in non-dark deck? nothing! It's purpose in tyranitar decks is to look for special darks... not basic darks.
Unown Dark can be good if you start with only 2 lightning energy and need 1 more colorless to attack with your active Zekrom. You can use Pokemon Collector or Dual Ball to get it along with Pachirisu and Shaymin.
Unown Dark is amazing, I advise EVERYONE, and I MEAN EVERYONE to run it in ZPS. You'd be stupid not to play it. It gives you like a whole 25% chance more of getting that turn one Zekrom. Trust me. I've been testing ZPS for a while now.