Pokemon (13):
3 Zekrom
2 Pachirisu
3 Shaymin
4 Tornadus
1 Unown DARK
Energy (16):
11 Electric
4 Double Colorless
1 Special Dark
Trainers (31):
3 Switch
4 Professor Juniper
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Catcher
1 Energy Exchanger
3 Pluspower
3 Pokegear 3.0
3 Energy Search
4 Junk Arm
Strategy is simple, try to get Zekrom or Tornadus out for a donk. Unown DARK is in here because you can search for it with Collector/Dual Ball and then you can search for a darkness energy. It would be nice to find room for a 4th Tornadus. A lot of people do not think Energy Search is good, but the only difference between it and an energy in a deck with no energy retrieval or interviewers is that it is reusable with Junk Arm. Technically, this deck has 20 Energy
3 Zekrom
2 Pachirisu
3 Shaymin
4 Tornadus
1 Unown DARK
Energy (16):
11 Electric
4 Double Colorless
1 Special Dark
Trainers (31):
3 Switch
4 Professor Juniper
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Catcher
1 Energy Exchanger
3 Pluspower
3 Pokegear 3.0
3 Energy Search
4 Junk Arm
Strategy is simple, try to get Zekrom or Tornadus out for a donk. Unown DARK is in here because you can search for it with Collector/Dual Ball and then you can search for a darkness energy. It would be nice to find room for a 4th Tornadus. A lot of people do not think Energy Search is good, but the only difference between it and an energy in a deck with no energy retrieval or interviewers is that it is reusable with Junk Arm. Technically, this deck has 20 Energy