Zygarde 10% Forme and Zygarde Complete Footage from 'Sun' and 'Moon!'

Doesn't matter whether it was a sequel or not. Fact stays there was never any intention to make Pokémon, like ever. And no, likely Zygarde was planned to be used like this from the very start. There is no such thing that "these forms were created later". They were already pretty much made from the start. They didnt just concept these ideas in the few months before or after the announcement of Sun and Moon. Its more about how GF presented and marketed them last year that was pretty confusing to many people at most.

Now hold on a bit. It's not yet a fact that there was no plans for Pokemon Z, the evidence just points towards that possibility. We don't yet know for sure what their plans for Zygarde are, all we know is that they hinted towards a connection with Kalos and Xerneas/Yveltal and now they're showing up in XY.

And yes, I would agree that the execution of this all is a mess regardless of whether it was planned or not. Or at least that's how it looks right now. XY left a ton of loose ends specific to Kalos that I was hoping would be explored in a followup game of some sorts (I was hoping XY2, but Z would've been acceptable as well). Yet we're moving onto a new generation in a new region and we're seeing some of those problems carry over in a potentially unrelated region. There's a chance that this could all work out somehow and SM will finish what 6th gen started, but I'm doubtful that they can pull it off without it feeling awkward.
1st - regarding the planning (or not) of Z (or some other Kalos game), Thousand Waves and Thousand Arrows exist in the coding of XY... If that didn' point out to a game with Zygarde as a mascot, I don't know what could...

2nd - Core Enforcer? Core Punisher not only sounded better, it was also easier to say for me... (I'm not a native english speaker)

3rd - About Zygarde 50%'s ability... I'm thinking maybe they will switch Aura Break for Swarm Change on Zygarde 50% and give Aura Break to Perfect Zygarde instead... Funny enough, the 10% forme card released in Fates Collide has Aura Break as one of its attacks...
1st - regarding the planning (or not) of Z (or some other Kalos game), Thousand Waves and Thousand Arrows exist in the coding of XY... If that didn' point out to a game with Zygarde as a mascot, I don't know what could...

That doesn't really mean much, a lot of legendaries that aren't mascots have signature moves too, event Pokemon from 3rd gen on, Latios and Latias, Heatran, Regigigas, and Cresselia all have signature moves. There's several non-legendaries that have signature moves as well, the Pikachu line, the Cubone line, Delibird, Octillery, Chatot, the Zorua line, the list goes on and on.
My thoughts on this:

So, apparently the perfect form, is a temporary in-battle-exclusive forme (like Mega evolution/Primal reversion), achieved by simply having HP lowered below 1/4 (or 1/3, possibly even 1/2), and makes Zygarde transition from its 10% forme, directly to the perfect one.

To be honest, I expected something more unique and complicated, as well as involving the original 50% forme to at least some degree in the process.

Also, no hints on where Zygarde Core fits into this either.


As for the mysterious 5 colored hexagons on perfect Zygardes chest.. on the 10% forme, we still have only a red hexagon, but even more curious is the fact that in the process of transforming, we see several red hexagons rushing to it among the green ones. Why red and not blue? Or cyan or orange. The 50% forme didn't have any additional colour whatsoever though, so perhaps red it's just a random detail exclusively for the 10% forme.

It would certainly be more interesting if there was as many as 5 different 10% formes, each resembling a different kind of animal (imagine a cat for blue, something aquatic for cyan and a bird for orange for example), which would also make more sense of why this one resembles a dog in the first place (besides the greek mythological hellhound/underworld theme of course).

The other new feature we see, is Zygardes (fourth now) signature move. It shoots a rainbow beam out of its chest (although the hexagons aren't showcased even remotely clear from this move alone), carving a huge green Z into the ground.

It's pretty safe to assume that (unlike Land's Wrath, Thousand Arrows/Waves, which are all Ground-type moves) this move is actually Dragon-type, due to hitting Garchomp super-effectively in the video.

Kinda wish Xerneas and Yveltal would get a new damaging sig move of their primary type as well now. ;aybe to go along with new formes? :^)
Thank you Arceus, now maybe people will stop complaining about the lack of Zygarde story.
Just going to give one last reply to all of those that quoted me:

Yeah, they created these forms but decided to push them into the new generation games with no reason... Like "Hey guys, look at these cool new Kyurem forms, they are Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, but guess what? You will see them in XY". Nonsense, just like this Zygarde case. Ok, let's pretend Zygarde 10% can transform into Zygarde 50%. How Zygarde 50% can transform into its Perfect Form if it has another ability (Aura Break)?

Do you even have proof they actually planned and were going to do Pokémon Z? Because the way I see it, it was always speculation from us fans, based on the sole fact that we expected this from GF. Just because there’s no Pokémon Z to serve as this sequel game, doesn’t mean that Sun and Moon can’t do the same, and perhaps better, while being a new Gen on the same road. Gold and Silver did the exact same thing with being a sequel to Red and Blue, while being a new Gen at the same time. It’s not unreasonable to think Zygarde may have been a part of Sun and Moon the entire time since its debut in X and Y. After all, there have been a ton of references hinting to a new region, which made some people, including me, think that there was a case of Gen 6.5 happening, which we now know isn't going to happen, and instead we get Sun and Moon in its place. Really, what sounds better to you?

1. Pokémon Z with a few new improvements and additions with a Zygarde focus?
2. Pokémon Sun and Moon, a new gen with new mons, along with most of the introduced features of X and Y plus a focus on Zygarde?

I think I would go for Option 2, and the chances for that happening are pretty high at the moment. Sure, we don't know how Zygarde is yet going to be involved. Maybe it will be awkward, maybe it will not be....we just don't know yet. Its only known that Zygarde is in Sun and Moon in some way or form. That has been officially confirmed now. I myself am willing to bet that this was always the plan from the very start.

As for your question regarding Zygarde’s transformation power/ability, I speculate that Zygarde 10% forme can only transform either into Zygarde 50% Forme or its complete forme depending on its current health state. That way, Zygarde 50% Forme keeps its Aura Break ability. Or this is not the case and Zygarde 50% Forme gets Zygarde 10% Forme’s ability. If the latter, perhaps Aura Break was just a filler ability. Also to note is that Zygarde Complete Forme has yet a unknown ability, and its likely not Aura Break, otherwise we would have seen it in the trailer just now.

Now hold on a bit. It's not yet a fact that there was no plans for Pokémon Z, the evidence just points towards that possibility. We don't yet know for sure what their plans for Zygarde are, all we know is that they hinted towards a connection with Kalos and Xerneas/Yveltal and now they're showing up in XY.

And yes, I would agree that the execution of this all is a mess regardless of whether it was planned or not. Or at least that's how it looks right now. XY left a ton of loose ends specific to Kalos that I was hoping would be explored in a follow-up game of some sorts (I was hoping XY2, but Z would've been acceptable as well). Yet we're moving onto a new generation in a new region and we're seeing some of those problems carry over in a potentially unrelated region. There's a chance that this could all work out somehow and SM will finish what 6th gen started, but I'm doubtful that they can pull it off without it feeling awkward.

Be honest. If there was Pokémon Z, it would have been released ages ago, or at least been known by that time, no? GF never acknowledged its existence, other than in a interview that they didn't want to go forward into a predictable manner with a Pokémon Z. By then, that alone should have been the sole clue that Pokémon Z was never going to come. However, it were the fans, including me, that held on to the idea of a Pokémon Z and possibly a Gen 6.5 still coming in a similar way like how Black and White did it, but it never did. Instead, we got Sun and Moon in its place.

Sun and Moon were likely always planned from the beginning along with X and Y. I mean, why would the X and Y games just bluntly hint about a brand new far off region, talking about the War between Kalos and another region, the mention of a Moon Dial, and even give us a item depicting a Legendary that is revered as some protector in a new region? I’m pretty sure that hasn’t been done at the very last moment of development regarding the X and Y games because they decided to scrap Pokémon Z at the last minute.

If people can see that Sun and Moon could still be the sequel game to X and Y, in similar veins to how Gold and Silver were sequels to Red and Blue but were also a new gen at the same time, it becomes pretty reasonable, and becomes a way better set of games than what a singular game of a possible Pokémon Z would have done. What is the reason for doubt, for at the moment right now it’s way too early to even judge Sun and Moon based on the current info we have. We only know that Zygarde and its forms are in, so now the connection/speculation of Sun and Moon being the sequel games to X and Y is now made stronger.

Yes, there is. It doesn't matter if they didn't actually planned Z. It should have happened, period. Either Z or something like BW2, they should have made a game focusing on Zygarde as the 3rd mascot (now it will forever be known as the mascot legendary that it's not a mascot legendary), properly introduce its formes, give it a key role in the game's plot (which will never happen in Sun & Moon cause those games already have their own legendaries to worry about), explain its actual relation with Xerneas and Yveltal, gives us AZ's Floette and resolve all the other mysteries in XY. There's a lot of things in XY that could have been more explored with a third game based on Kalos.

It's also quite messy that, with Zygarde being the guardian of Kalos and the new forms appearing in the last Kalos story arc of the anime, they make the new forms inaccessible in its native region's games and instead debut them in the first pair of games of the next gen, in a new region that has nothing to do with Kalos (that we know so far)...

You can say the same with Pokémon Grey then. Should have happened too, but didn't. Instead we got sequels to Black and White, and we didn’t even get the Original Dragon on top of that, but only a pair of intermediate forms for Kyurem. Based on that, Black and White are still unfinished, technically speaking.

Again, Zygarde's formes and its concept were long done before this, and were likely always a part of Sun and Moon as it was with X and Y. Again, there has been a ton of references in X and Y about a new region, tales about a Moon Dial, and more. We even got a item relating to a Legendary that came from a "far off" region. That region is very likely the Alola region within the Sun and Moon games, because it’s obvious that Alola isn’t just next door to Kalos. Sun and Moon were always planned to be a sequel of sorts similar in vein to Gold and Silver being Gen 2 and sequels to Gen 1's Pokémon Red and Blue. Only this time, there's likely going to be a Post-Game story arc or something else that ties Zygarde to the Sun and Moon games and explain its Complete Forme.

There was never going to be a Pokémon Z, because people would have likely complained there isn't much to do in such a game, if there was one to begin with. GF wanted to make surprises to their fans, and they did so successfully aside the messy marketing with Zygarde's formes. Just explaining about Zygarde and it formes requires a mere sequel? And then what? Catch the same old Pokémon again? Again we barely know anything about Kalos's complete lore. For all we know, it can still link back to Kalos. Really, just because Zygarde's formes were introduced in Sun and Moon suddenly means there's no connection to Kalos?

These are all early assumptions to make. The games aren't going to be out for another few more months until late November. I'm sure we will hear more as the release date comes closer.
That doesn't really mean much, a lot of legendaries that aren't mascots have signature moves too, event Pokemon from 3rd gen on, Latios and Latias, Heatran, Regigigas, and Cresselia all have signature moves. There's several non-legendaries that have signature moves as well, the Pikachu line, the Cubone line, Delibird, Octillery, Chatot, the Zorua line, the list goes on and on.
I think it's more that Zygarde was clearly the third member of the mascot trio for gen 6, and by following patterns set in gen 3, Zygarde being the mascot of the next game made the most sense.

I'm not surprised this didn't happen since GF has definitely been wanting to break away from their usual patterns, and was evident when BW2 was announced. I think it's gotten to the point we can no longer hold GF to stay true to their patterns since they're very aware of this and don't want to have their games stuck in a formula.
As for the mysterious 5 colored hexagons on perfect Zygardes chest.. on the 10% forme, we still have only a red hexagon, but even more curious is the fact that in the process of transforming, we see several red hexagons rushing to it among the green ones. Why red and not blue? Or cyan or orange. The 50% forme didn't have any additional colour whatsoever though, so perhaps red it's just a random detail exclusively for the 10% forme.

It would certainly be more interesting if there was as many as 5 different 10% formes, each resembling a different kind of animal (imagine a cat for blue, something aquatic for cyan and a bird for orange for example), which would also make more sense of why this one resembles a dog in the first place (besides the greek mythological hellhound/underworld theme of course).

I kinda like the idea that the 10% Forme may be done in different forms such as a cat, bird or something aquatic. But I highly doubt this, seeing as they would have been clearly marketed by now. Of course, we never know how GF works behind the scenes.

The other new feature we see, is Zygardes (fourth now) signature move. It shoots a rainbow beam out of its chest (although the hexagons aren't showcased even remotely clear from this move alone), carving a huge green Z into the ground.

It's pretty safe to assume that (unlike Land's Wrath, Thousand Arrows/Waves, which are all Ground-type moves) this move is actually Dragon-type, due to hitting Garchomp super-effectively in the video.

Kinda wish Xerneas and Yveltal would get a new damaging sig move of their primary type as well now. ;aybe to go along with new formes? :^)

Its also possible that Zygarde's Core Enforcer move may be Ground type too and thus be a move similar to Freeze Dry or Flying Press. Sure, it was only used against a Garchomp, but we don't know what it could do with other targets at the moment. I mean, if Thousand Arrows can hit Flying type mons despite being a Ground type, who knows what the Core Enforcer move can do aside being effective on Dragon type Pokémon?

Also, yeah, I hope that Xerneas and Yveltal get new powers too, for I think they haven't yet shown their full power yet, just like how Kyogre and Groudon didn't do so until in ORAS. Would make the connection to X and Y that much stronger.

Xerneas as Fairy/Grass type anyone?
As for the HP.. it doesn't "heal" after transforming. It just looks like that because the perfect form has a vastly higher base HP.

It goes from 5/125 to 167/287.
As you can see, it keeps the 120 damage done to it.

We can deduce from this video that 10%Zygarde has something like 50 base HP, while Kaijugarde has so high base HP that only Chansey and Blissey have more. We're talking 190+

Dafuq o_o

Oh and since it went below 10% HP for the tranfsormation to start...maybe the ability only goes to perfect forme below 10%, while it would go to the 50% forme for getting damaged down between 50% and 10%? lol

Also, yeah, I hope that Xerneas and Yveltal get new powers too, for I think they haven't yet shown their full power yet, just like how Kyogre and Groudon didn't do so until in ORAS. Would make the connection to X and Y that much stronger.

I know right?

They're the mascots of the Mega evolution generation... yet they themselves didn't have superior forms, while the mascots of an old game for the remakes did? o-o
Any word if Zygarde's Core Forme and Cell Forme will also be playable? I was kinda looking forward to intimidating my opponent by unleashing Zygarde, only for it to be the itty bitty Cell Forme.
I know right?

They're the mascots of the Mega evolution generation... yet they themselves didn't have superior forms, while the mascots of an old game for the remakes did? o-o

That and I want Xerneas to be Fairy/Grass dang nabbit! All those plant references and GF expects me to believe Xerneas is only Fairy type. As if. Heck, the deer transforms into a tree when it goes dormant, and its associated a lot with forests. How does that not include Grass type, GF?
Be honest. If there was Pokémon Z, it would have been released ages ago, or at least been known by that time, no? GF never acknowledged its existence, other than in a interview that they didn't want to go forward into a predictable manner with a Pokémon Z. By then, that alone should have been the sole clue that Pokémon Z was never going to come. However, it were the fans, including me, that held on to the idea of a Pokémon Z and possibly a Gen 6.5 still coming in a similar way like how Black and White did it, but it never did. Instead, we got Sun and Moon in its place.

Sun and Moon were likely always planned from the beginning along with X and Y. I mean, why would the X and Y games just bluntly hint about a brand new far off region, talking about the War between Kalos and another region, the mention of a Moon Dial, and even give us a item depicting a Legendary that is revered as some protector in a new region? I’m pretty sure that hasn’t been done at the very last moment of development regarding the X and Y games because they decided to scrap Pokémon Z at the last minute.

If people can see that Sun and Moon could still be the sequel game to X and Y, in similar veins to how Gold and Silver were sequels to Red and Blue but were also a new gen at the same time, it becomes pretty reasonable, and becomes a way better set of games than what a singular game of a possible Pokémon Z would have done. What is the reason for doubt, for at the moment right now it’s way too early to even judge Sun and Moon based on the current info we have. We only know that Zygarde and its forms are in, so now the connection/speculation of Sun and Moon being the sequel games to X and Y is now made stronger.

I get that, but that's not a fact, that's speculation. Good timing and a couple of hints doesn't explicitly confirm whether or not Z is a thing, it just makes it extremely likely. Game Freak hasn't told us anything about what they're doing with Zygarde, we just see that Zygarde is showing up in SM. We don't know for sure what they're doing with Zygarde yet beyond that. I'm not saying that a Z will happen, I agree that it looks like it's not. My point is simply that it's too early to be speaking in definites.
I get that, but that's not a fact, that's speculation. Good timing and a couple of hints doesn't explicitly confirm whether or not Z is a thing, it just makes it extremely likely. Game Freak hasn't told us anything about what they're doing with Zygarde, we just see that Zygarde is showing up in SM. We don't know for sure what they're doing with Zygarde yet beyond that. I'm not saying that a Z will happen, I agree that it looks like it's not. My point is simply that it's too early to be speaking in definites.

Okay, you make good points. Its indeed all still speculation, but even so, I don't expect GF to come forward and make a explanation about Zygarde's role in Sun and Moon and whether it was intentional or not. The only way to answer this for sure is to play the upcoming games themselves in November and come to our own conclusions.
Any word if Zygarde's Core Forme and Cell Forme will also be playable? I was kinda looking forward to intimidating my opponent by unleashing Zygarde, only for it to be the itty bitty Cell Forme.

No they aren't actually Pokemon. Right back when they were first revealed it was stated they are unable to use moves, cells don't even have brains. They're components of Zygarde but not forms of it. See zooids, real life creatures that make up one large animal called a siphonophore. Pokemon is scientific when it wants to be.
No they aren't actually Pokemon. Right back when they were first revealed it was stated they are unable to use moves, cells don't even have brains. They're components of Zygarde but not forms of it. See zooids, real life creatures that make up one large animal called a siphonophore. Pokemon is scientific when it wants to be.
Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up. I haven't gotten around to watching the XYZ season so I had avoided reading much about its formes in case of spoilers. Makes sense, though.
The only thing that really makes me mad is how they keep releasing incomplete game. I want a Pokemon game where I can get each legendary Pokemon. in XY, there was an entire area we couldn't go. That power plant in the desert as well as this whole Zygarde thing and ORAS with the battle tower not being added to the game and I get the feeling this game will suffer from the same thing.

I haven't 100% a Pokemon game since silver and the reason is you're not reward for it. I just want a complete Pokemon game where everything can be obtained. Its like TPC doesn't know what DLC is.
I'm willing to bet that they'll make something in this gen that can shut up Mega Rayquaza. I doubt this is it, but there could be a high place for this Ultimate Form Zygarde.
As for the mysterious 5 colored hexagons on perfect Zygardes chest.. on the 10% forme, we still have only a red hexagon, but even more curious is the fact that in the process of transforming, we see several red hexagons rushing to it among the green ones. Why red and not blue? Or cyan or orange. The 50% forme didn't have any additional colour whatsoever though, so perhaps red it's just a random detail exclusively for the 10% forme.

It would certainly be more interesting if there was as many as 5 different 10% formes, each resembling a different kind of animal (imagine a cat for blue, something aquatic for cyan and a bird for orange for example), which would also make more sense of why this one resembles a dog in the first place (besides the greek mythological hellhound/underworld theme of course).

Well, there was the Zygarde 10% (and Core) with blue hexagons in the anime, so maybe there'll be Zygardes 10% and Cores with cyan and orange hexagons as well?