I worded my comment wrong. I didn't mean to start a fight, I was genuinely asking how the deck plays against those decks. Plus, your list didn't even play Hex, so that's why I mentioned it. And to be fair, Hammers are a valid comment, as even though you only attack with 1 Energy, you play a total of 9. And Giratina really is a problem. If played with Toad, it knocks off Special Energy, Stadiums, and Xerosics and locks you out of Tools. Plus, the more successful Toad/ Tina list are starting to play Bursting Balloon. So between no Strong, no Fighting Stadium, and no FFB, Toad/ Tina knocks you down by -50, and you're down to only 5 Basic Energy. That's the theory anyway. You do have Hawlucha, yes, but IF I have a Bursting Balloon, and you attack, you're getting 60 recoil, and Quaking Punch Kills. But at that point, if you were under Giratina lock, you might have a stacked hand and play it out for an easy revenge kill. I was asking if you actually played against the deck to know exactly how matches go down.