Help Zygarde gx deck suggestions

Alexander Forcione

Aspiring Trainer
I want to put together a zygarde gx deck but I’m having troubling figuring out what kind of energy acceleration I should use, I’m thinking either carbink break to get strong energy back or the new Alolan marowak so I can build up 1 or 2 on my bench, obviously max elixir is in there too. Are there any other methods I’m not thinking off? I also had an idea for a solgaleo gx combo but it might be too clunky so I’ll have to play test it.

Also I need suggestions on how to deal with golisopod since he one shots zygarde, buzzwole is an obvious choice but he’s a little too pricey to get the 2 or 3 I would need.
the rayquaza is a good idea but the best start would not even need it just pray you start with an ultra ball, 2 fighting and a dce.
discard energy with ultra ball, get lele, get brigette, set up bench, attach dce to active or benched zygarde try to get in active then attack to attach energy but i would run 1 or two of the rayquaza just in case you start on it or have a really bad start.