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Standard Zygarde in Standard

Tim Held

Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon -

1 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
2 Carbink BREAK FAC 51
1 Carbink FAC 49
1 Carbink FAC 50
3 Regirock-EX FAC 43
4 Zygarde-EX FAC 54

Trainer Cards - 36

1 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
1 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
2 Switch SUM 132
1 Olympia GEN 66
1 Lysandre AOR 78
1 Ninja Boy STS 103
3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
4 Nest Ball SUM 123
1 Special Charge STS 105
2 Float Stone BKT 137
3 Max Elixir BKP 102
2 N NVI 92
4 VS Seeker ROS 110
2 Choice Band GRI 121
1 Ultra Ball ROS 93
1 Field Blower GRI 125
2 Sky Field ROS 89
1 Scorched Earth PRC 138
2 Professor Kukui SUM 128

##Energy - 12

4 Strong Energy FAC 115
8 Fighting Energy Energy 6

This deck can be super fast. I usually try to set up a zygarde with at least 2 Strong energies, a choice band or FFB (depending on matchup) and at least two regirocks on the bench. the full capability with this deck (3 Strong energies+choice band+3 regirocks+Kukui) is 240. That KOs everything except for a select few GXs and Wailord. This deck is extremely fast and can knock out your opponents starting Pokemon first turn 90% of the time (stadium, strong energy). Even with the Regirocks.

Weird Card Choices-
1/1-2 Carbink line:
2 safeguard carbink would be the obvious choice for this deck in expanded, but with Sylveon being popular and quite a few energy denial decks, I chose to go with 1 Energy Keeper carbink/1 Safeguard carbink-2 Carbink BREAK

2 Choice Band/1 FFB:
With garb dominating the format, 2 FFB might be the better choice, but with the leles and drampas that most decks play, we have the ability to lysandre up and hit for weakness (Drampa-Gx) or an easy knockout on Tapu Lele-Gx (lands wrath with 1 strong energy, choice band, and 2 regis). Choice bands just wreck exs/gxs in the standard format.

4 Nest balls/1 Ultra ball:
For this last awkward choice, I went for speed. The ability to dig for nest balls to get regis on the bench easy without playing hoopa or using a whole lot of ultra balls. We still play 1 ultra ball to get the Shaymin out, but we seldom need it (we need it enough to include it).

Any advice would help, I am trying to make this deck as good as possible.

Thanks, Tim
I would actually replace your 4-1 split of Nest/Ultra Ball with a 1-4 split. This is because you want your energy in the discard pile lined up for Carbink BREAK. Also, Ultra Ball can search out everything, including Shaymin and Carbink BREAK.

Zygarde/Carbink pretty much has to run at least one Power Memory. Carbink BREAK was tailor-made to deal with the unfortunate side effect of All Cells Burn, and with some Energy and Regirocks in the equation you can OHKO everything. You could replace your Kukuis with 2 of these, as you will not be struggling for damage if you run Power Memory.
I would actually replace your 4-1 split of Nest/Ultra Ball with a 1-4 split. This is because you want your energy in the discard pile lined up for Carbink BREAK. Also, Ultra Ball can search out everything, including Shaymin and Carbink BREAK.

Zygarde/Carbink pretty much has to run at least one Power Memory. Carbink BREAK was tailor-made to deal with the unfortunate side effect of All Cells Burn, and with some Energy and Regirocks in the equation you can OHKO everything. You could replace your Kukuis with 2 of these, as you will not be struggling for damage if you run Power Memory.

I forgot about that card. thanks for the advice!
Nice deck :)

You could perhaps try to include a copy of Hoopa EX which is great to sort out your Regirock EX line and a Shaymin EX.
If you do so, definitely maximize your Ultra Ball count.

I also think that one copy of Tapu Lele GX is the best way to go, especially with only one Olympia.
You will need that card when your opponent will stall with a Lysandre on a Regirock EX.

I would personnaly also play one copy of Sudowoodo, which the only way for a Zygarde EX to outspeed a M-Rayquaza EX deck (especially if you don't play any copy of Parallele City). You have 2 Sky Fields, it is very dangerous to play nothing to limit M-Rayquaza's power.

Don't forget that Garbodor is still very strong in the meta. Some cards like Max Elixir might be counter-productive much of time.
Perhaps would it be a good idea to limit the Item count and focus on Zygarde's power as long as the meta is so "slow".
Following are a few comments for your consideration:
  • I've found Tapu Lele GX to be a lot more versatile than Shaymin EX.
  • I concur with @joffreyspikes in regards to your Ball engine: 4 Nest Ball and 1 Ultra Ball should be "flipped" to 4 just Ultra Ball instead in order to help get some F and/or Strong energy into your discard pile.
  • Why run Carbink BREAK and Special Charge? This seems excessive, if not redundant.
  • 1 Lysandre is woefully insufficient; this card is too valuable not to have access to your sole copy if/when it's ever prized.
  • The Mallow-Scorched Earth combo can be very helpful at times to provide some supplemental card-draw support.
  • From my experience, I usually run 11+ Basic energy in order to hit my Max Elixirs 90%+ (my objective) of the time. Your 8-count seems too "low" to be that effective. Thoughts?
  • Sky Field Stadium can be helpful when you need room to set all of your Pokémon. However, mid-to-late game, I suspect you may have several wounded or unwanted/unneeded Pokémon of your bench too. Why not run 1 Parallel City to help clear your bench of the unwanted/unneeded Pokémon or to disrupt your opponent's bench?
In the past and some now, I've played Zygarde EX decks a lot, but not with Regirock EX which I found to be more of a liability than an asset given its expensive Retreat Cost. In today's meta, players (most that I know) run multiple Field Blowers. So, it's not difficult to get a Regirock EX stranded in the active position. Further, with the popularity of Garbodor, you may not even get the damage output boost from your Regirock EXs'. And with the popularity of GX Pokémon, Carbink can't usually "wall" opponent's EX Pokémon either.

Have you ever considered running Zygarde EX with Zoroark? This is a very solid deck (interestingly enough, Zoroark BREAK is making a comeback in a variety of other decks too) combo, IMO.

I hope you find these comments helpful.