Pokémon -
1 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
2 Carbink BREAK FAC 51
1 Carbink FAC 49
1 Carbink FAC 50
3 Regirock-EX FAC 43
4 Zygarde-EX FAC 54
Trainer Cards - 36
1 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
1 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
2 Switch SUM 132
1 Olympia GEN 66
1 Lysandre AOR 78
1 Ninja Boy STS 103
3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
4 Nest Ball SUM 123
1 Special Charge STS 105
2 Float Stone BKT 137
3 Max Elixir BKP 102
2 N NVI 92
4 VS Seeker ROS 110
2 Choice Band GRI 121
1 Ultra Ball ROS 93
1 Field Blower GRI 125
2 Sky Field ROS 89
1 Scorched Earth PRC 138
2 Professor Kukui SUM 128
##Energy - 12
4 Strong Energy FAC 115
8 Fighting Energy Energy 6
This deck can be super fast. I usually try to set up a zygarde with at least 2 Strong energies, a choice band or FFB (depending on matchup) and at least two regirocks on the bench. the full capability with this deck (3 Strong energies+choice band+3 regirocks+Kukui) is 240. That KOs everything except for a select few GXs and Wailord. This deck is extremely fast and can knock out your opponents starting Pokemon first turn 90% of the time (stadium, strong energy). Even with the Regirocks.
Weird Card Choices-
1/1-2 Carbink line:
2 safeguard carbink would be the obvious choice for this deck in expanded, but with Sylveon being popular and quite a few energy denial decks, I chose to go with 1 Energy Keeper carbink/1 Safeguard carbink-2 Carbink BREAK
2 Choice Band/1 FFB:
With garb dominating the format, 2 FFB might be the better choice, but with the leles and drampas that most decks play, we have the ability to lysandre up and hit for weakness (Drampa-Gx) or an easy knockout on Tapu Lele-Gx (lands wrath with 1 strong energy, choice band, and 2 regis). Choice bands just wreck exs/gxs in the standard format.
4 Nest balls/1 Ultra ball:
For this last awkward choice, I went for speed. The ability to dig for nest balls to get regis on the bench easy without playing hoopa or using a whole lot of ultra balls. We still play 1 ultra ball to get the Shaymin out, but we seldom need it (we need it enough to include it).
Any advice would help, I am trying to make this deck as good as possible.
Thanks, Tim
1 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
2 Carbink BREAK FAC 51
1 Carbink FAC 49
1 Carbink FAC 50
3 Regirock-EX FAC 43
4 Zygarde-EX FAC 54
Trainer Cards - 36
1 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
1 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
2 Switch SUM 132
1 Olympia GEN 66
1 Lysandre AOR 78
1 Ninja Boy STS 103
3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
4 Nest Ball SUM 123
1 Special Charge STS 105
2 Float Stone BKT 137
3 Max Elixir BKP 102
2 N NVI 92
4 VS Seeker ROS 110
2 Choice Band GRI 121
1 Ultra Ball ROS 93
1 Field Blower GRI 125
2 Sky Field ROS 89
1 Scorched Earth PRC 138
2 Professor Kukui SUM 128
##Energy - 12
4 Strong Energy FAC 115
8 Fighting Energy Energy 6
This deck can be super fast. I usually try to set up a zygarde with at least 2 Strong energies, a choice band or FFB (depending on matchup) and at least two regirocks on the bench. the full capability with this deck (3 Strong energies+choice band+3 regirocks+Kukui) is 240. That KOs everything except for a select few GXs and Wailord. This deck is extremely fast and can knock out your opponents starting Pokemon first turn 90% of the time (stadium, strong energy). Even with the Regirocks.
Weird Card Choices-
1/1-2 Carbink line:
2 safeguard carbink would be the obvious choice for this deck in expanded, but with Sylveon being popular and quite a few energy denial decks, I chose to go with 1 Energy Keeper carbink/1 Safeguard carbink-2 Carbink BREAK
2 Choice Band/1 FFB:
With garb dominating the format, 2 FFB might be the better choice, but with the leles and drampas that most decks play, we have the ability to lysandre up and hit for weakness (Drampa-Gx) or an easy knockout on Tapu Lele-Gx (lands wrath with 1 strong energy, choice band, and 2 regis). Choice bands just wreck exs/gxs in the standard format.
4 Nest balls/1 Ultra ball:
For this last awkward choice, I went for speed. The ability to dig for nest balls to get regis on the bench easy without playing hoopa or using a whole lot of ultra balls. We still play 1 ultra ball to get the Shaymin out, but we seldom need it (we need it enough to include it).
Any advice would help, I am trying to make this deck as good as possible.
Thanks, Tim