Pokemon Center Says More “Destined Rivals” Product Coming!

Water Pokémon Master

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Destined Rivals was revealed this morning.
Shortly after, the Pokemon Center website opened a queue to place orders. Each time you joined the queue, there were between one to two million people waiting in line. The stock ultimately sold out within an hour or two.
Now the Pokemon Center website has updated its FAQ to state “more inventory of [the Destined Rivals Elite Trainer Box] will become available later this year.”
It’s unclear if the website was simply holding back product for a later date, such as when the set officially launches, or if this means TPCi is planning to print more product to meet the demand...

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I luckily managed to get one but that was only because I waited for two hours and had the day off anyway. It shouldn't be this hard to order. I would love it if they adopted Premium Bandai's policy on making stuff where you have a set amount of time to set a preorder and after that, it takes two months usually to make the item and by then a new campaign for the item might open up a dn give even more demand.

I believe that is the only fair way to due this because if bots are so easily able to claim all the product then you need to either make it hard for bots to get them or make the item/special contents of that item more available everywhere else. But sadly hype is more than money these days. Good luck hunting everyone.
TPCi promised more PRE products… but haven’t seen anything since its release. Also SSP is nowhere to be found. Are reprints really happening. Even Blooming Waters is nowhere… Wasn’t even able to buy a booster box of JTG in pre-order…
TPCi promised more PRE products… but haven’t seen anything since its release. Also SSP is nowhere to be found. Are reprints really happening. Even Blooming Waters is nowhere… Wasn’t even able to buy a booster box of JTG in pre-order…
We did get reprint of SSP at least in Finland. It was a small one but still. We got ETBs and booster boxes. ETBs in January and booster boxes now in March.
TPCi promised more PRE products… but haven’t seen anything since its release. Also SSP is nowhere to be found. Are reprints really happening. Even Blooming Waters is nowhere… Wasn’t even able to buy a booster box of JTG in pre-order…
It takes a lot longer than a month or two to initiate reprints. Hence why it says "later this year".

It's not as simple as just firing up more printers.
I hate to be apocalyptic, but these days truly feel like it's the death knell for the TCG as a hobby normal people can enjoy. I do hope TPCi is actually aware of how bad things are, but at the rate things are going I don't have much faith. I dunno. Even if they do print more, who's to say that the losers who scalp and bot and buy out all the stock won't get those too?

I can't see an end to this in sight. And it's sad- I got back into the TCG last year. I decided that, yes, I would drop a lot of money to enjoy this hobby again. But because I'm a normal human with a full-time job- And bills, too, it's becoming harder and harder to get the opportunity to access anything.

I'd like to be more optimistic, I really would, but this is making the Logan Paul/COVID nightmare look like a walk in the park. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but I really do wish I could gatekeep these people out of the hobby. That's where we're at now.
as with anything, if it stops becoming enjoyable then just don't do it anymore, so for me, the last month has really put the final nail in the coffin where Pokemon collecting is concerned.
It has become a poisonous backhanded environment which is run by a body that simply doesn't care for it's true followers.
Greed has spoilt this for me now and I am out of this hobby, what a horrible experience it has become
I hate to be apocalyptic, but these days truly feel like it's the death knell for the TCG as a hobby normal people can enjoy. I do hope TPCi is actually aware of how bad things are, but at the rate things are going I don't have much faith. I dunno. Even if they do print more, who's to say that the losers who scalp and bot and buy out all the stock won't get those too?

I can't see an end to this in sight. And it's sad- I got back into the TCG last year. I decided that, yes, I would drop a lot of money to enjoy this hobby again. But because I'm a normal human with a full-time job- And bills, too, it's becoming harder and harder to get the opportunity to access anything.

I'd like to be more optimistic, I really would, but this is making the Logan Paul/COVID nightmare look like a walk in the park. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but I really do wish I could gatekeep these people out of the hobby. That's where we're at now.
We go through this exact same thing every couple of years.
I hate to be apocalyptic, but these days truly feel like it's the death knell for the TCG as a hobby normal people can enjoy. I do hope TPCi is actually aware of how bad things are, but at the rate things are going I don't have much faith. I dunno. Even if they do print more, who's to say that the losers who scalp and bot and buy out all the stock won't get those too?

I can't see an end to this in sight. And it's sad- I got back into the TCG last year. I decided that, yes, I would drop a lot of money to enjoy this hobby again. But because I'm a normal human with a full-time job- And bills, too, it's becoming harder and harder to get the opportunity to access anything.

I'd like to be more optimistic, I really would, but this is making the Logan Paul/COVID nightmare look like a walk in the park. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but I really do wish I could gatekeep these people out of the hobby. That's where we're at now.
I mentioned this in another post a bit back. What is a reprint if it means scalpers are still going to raid the site with purchasing bots? Couldn't have said it any better when talking about the Covid/Logan P era. This is something completely different.

What shocks me the most is the amount of these new "fans" coming into the hobby because they see the $ amount on these products sky rocket and think "hey i can make $ on this as well" We never saw this drastic of a change in any era (SW/SH was messy, but not this messy). The fact that S/V era sets are going more or challenging SW/SH era box prices is insane to me when everybody and their mother thought the S/V era was "the end of Pokemon". Now its only about S/V for good or worse (rn for the worse).

We also see these things being scalped for far more than sets that have already gone out of print. If these buyers/investors were smart, dropping $2500 on a case of JP Glory of Team Rocket makes absolutely 0 sense when that $2500 could get you products that are truly out of stock from back in SW/SH, S&M, or XY even. Just a zoomed out perspective in that regard.

They have to print the crap out of this era or else its going to be the fanbases worst nightmare.
I hate to be apocalyptic, but these days truly feel like it's the death knell for the TCG as a hobby normal people can enjoy. I do hope TPCi is actually aware of how bad things are, but at the rate things are going I don't have much faith. I dunno. Even if they do print more, who's to say that the losers who scalp and bot and buy out all the stock won't get those too?

I can't see an end to this in sight. And it's sad- I got back into the TCG last year. I decided that, yes, I would drop a lot of money to enjoy this hobby again. But because I'm a normal human with a full-time job- And bills, too, it's becoming harder and harder to get the opportunity to access anything.

I'd like to be more optimistic, I really would, but this is making the Logan Paul/COVID nightmare look like a walk in the park. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but I really do wish I could gatekeep these people out of the hobby. That's where we're at now.
Please don’t leave now. The best times of the hobby was after the COVID boom, which I presume is when you left last time. The period after that was a wonderful time to be in the hobby, which you missed out on alongside all the other people that left. 2023 was my favorite year ever as a player and collector. You’re only exposing yourself to the worst periods and never the best periods with unfortunate timing combined with deciding not to wait it out. It will go back down, as the last boom did, albeit with a higher demand floor than before (but also a higher supply floor).
Hype comes and goes. As brutal as things are right now, it won’t be all doom and gloom forever. Pokémon has hit another all-time popularity spike and is just going to need more time for things to pan out. Today’s queue system was a good (but flawed) step in the right direction.

If you think this is too much of a waste of time and a stresser, that’s perfectly fine and reasonable. Just put down your devices and cop some singles at your local card shop.
2025 was a great time to quit. Things aren't going to get better. 2 MILLION BOTS IN QUEUE

And no, what's been going on for the last 3-4 months doesn't "happen every couple of years." Even during the worst of the pandemic, a booster box of a set that was just coming out wasn't $250. Singles of chase cards weren't four digits. Pokemon Center's website wasn't divebombed every other day. Every other story wasn't scalpers, scalpers, scalpers, MJ Holdings and other distributors holding the hobby for ransom, scalpers, people fistfighting each other over Pokemon cards, and scalpers. Things are rotted right now and TPCi seems ill-equipped to handle it.
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The queue system is in the right direction, if it actually worked.
Instead I have to wait, then get timed out, and even when the page loads, I get endless popup saying there's an error and to try another browser despite always going to the site fine before.

and then bot still manage to get 30+ orders for the same person and everyone else has to pray and beg for scraps of 1 each.
yeah given the effectiveness of bots in line, then the huge number of bots we see might just be a few scalpers who have managed to successfully procure supply at scale, rather than tons of independent scalpers each claiming a small chunk of the supply that they’re then competing with on price with the other scalpers

ever since I saw that TCGPlayer infinite article about how it’s possible one person is controlling the supply of the Tera Greninja ex SIR from Twilight Masquerade, I always have to wonder if it’s a small group of people who have figured out to control supply
I hate to be apocalyptic, but these days truly feel like it's the death knell for the TCG as a hobby normal people can enjoy. I do hope TPCi is actually aware of how bad things are, but at the rate things are going I don't have much faith. I dunno. Even if they do print more, who's to say that the losers who scalp and bot and buy out all the stock won't get those too?

I can't see an end to this in sight. And it's sad- I got back into the TCG last year. I decided that, yes, I would drop a lot of money to enjoy this hobby again. But because I'm a normal human with a full-time job- And bills, too, it's becoming harder and harder to get the opportunity to access anything.

I'd like to be more optimistic, I really would, but this is making the Logan Paul/COVID nightmare look like a walk in the park. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but I really do wish I could gatekeep these people out of the hobby. That's where we're at now.
I truly hate that this is where we're at. I used to love being able to go to Walmart and grab a pack or two on my way out. The Walmart by me has been bone dry every single time I've gone for at least the last couple months. I got lucky and found 2 tins of PRE at target last week. That was the first thing I'd opened in about 45 days or so. I've mostly just switched to buying singles now. That's ultimately cheaper than buying sealed product these days. I've honestly considered just giving up the hobby for a while. It's just not that fun anymore. When a set drops and is already much more expensive than msrp on release day you know things have gotten a little out of hand.