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  • OK let me rephrase my comment:
    Make modern Furret Playable Challenge: Impossible

    Too bad there are only less than handful of Furret cards in existence, but you made some good points about its usefulness. And I am honestly excited that a "forgotten" Pokémon is getting some attention!!
    My brain: "Are you trying to watch a video?"
    Me: "Yes, settle down."
    My brain: "GLC Grass gets to play Budew."
    Me: 0.0
    By the way, I'm hoping that Budew has a positive effect on the game rather than just skewing the game in favor of the player that goes second.
    Ok bro, how did you know all that stuff about me that you talked about in Manley’s Cerludge article?
    Dl? I can't think what that acronym refers to (besides Douglass).
    Dangerous Laser 🥵🥵🥵1732858457557.png
    Oh, yeah, now I remember. I mentioned Dangerous Laser because of the ongoing Dangerous Laser is OP joke that you and some of the other members participated in. (What exactly did I say about Dangerous Laser again?)
    If ya want to see what Pack wrappers i got hit my up on Facebook look for Nathan Kaiser i gots Halloween TCG cards for my cover :)
    I have barely touched Facebook, or social media in general since I stopped checking Discord regularly (Excluding YouTube). If you shared a link to your Facebook page I could check it out, but I wouldn't know how to find it otherwise, and I wouldn't want to fall down a rabbit hole trying to find it.
    Ahhh understandable i'll take pics later then post the Google drive link to them here :)
    One of the most dedicated retro Pokémon TCG YouTubers, Whimsicast, is close to 1,000 subscribers. He has a variety of battles, deck profiles, historical videos and other resources from a variety of eras, especially 2010 Worlds and Sun and Moon through Lost Thunder, so I encourage you to go check out his channel.
    Fantastic! Hey everyone, while you're at it, be sure to check out my YouTube channel as well 😀
    The 2024 Worlds format feels insane when you cut out all the shuffling and set it to some epic Scarlet & Violet music.
    Turns out the 2010 format STILL makes legends like it used to! Not going to spoil what was legendary about this game, but this video is as great a way to spend 20 minutes of your life watching a Pokémon battle on YouTube as any.
    (And yes, this battle had stakes. The honor of Japan versus the honor of America.)
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    I don't hate playing against Mr. Mime, by the way. Unless I'm playing Rain Dance. Then I regret all my life decisions. Lapras just doesn't cut it after all the resources you burn trying to switch into Lapras and then preserve it if Mr. Mime successfully retreats after Confuse Ray or you use Water Gun.
    Another Prop 15/3 player recommended using the Pokémon 2000 movie promo Articuno and Misty's Poliwhirl in Prop 15/3 Rain Dance as a solution to the Mr. Mime problem. The Articuno combines an ever-so-slightly weaker Freeze Dry with the benefits of potential bench damage (without the risk of damaging your own benched Pokémon) and lower retreat cost, while Misty's Poliwhirl is a powerful and versatile stage 1.
    I just realized why the Giovanni battle in Pokémon Origins makes sense. You know, the one where Rhyhorn sweeps most of Red's team (even KOing Victreebel with Thunder Fang)?

    Red was literally that one kid who trained his starter Pokémon and nothing else, just like the rest of us. Just look at his team in each battle scene of the show. They had to make him relatable somehow.
    My favorite YouTuber is celebrating his channel's 3rd anniversary with a tournament featuring four decks from a fan format called Nagoya Hall of Fame (inspired by Japan's official Hall of Fame, which they got instead of Rocket-Legendary Collection as a final solution to all the broken classic era cards).
    I have been doing YouTube for over 8 years too. Senpai notice me!
    You have mad skills, PMJ!
    I tried image searching the coin, but I thought the only option was pasting an image url. I didn't notice the other little icons on the right of the search bar.
    Thanks, PMJ! Makes sense that it would be a Latios/Latias coin. I thought I actually searched "Latios Latias coin," but the fact that I got this coin first try when I searched those words just now suggests otherwise. I guess I was doing everything wrong.
    And YIKES. The cheapest one on eBay is $50. Probably not buying it any time soon.
    I'm calling it. The 2024 Worlds reprint decks will be Lost Box, Lugia VSTAR, Gardevoir ex and Charizard ex. :)
    Basically I wanted to prove that I was ready to write an article on Prop 15/3, my favorite format, so instead of skipping straight to writing an article, which is my wheelhouse, I decided to film a battle with commentary and create my first YouTube video first.
    Confusing? Yes. Will I ever make another video? Who knows. Can you read the cards in the video? Sadly, the video got fuzzy when I uploaded it to YouTube. But I made something different, which is personally exciting!
    There's a higher resolution version linked in the description now, by the way, so you can actually read the cards.
    PTCGLEGENDS unifies dozens of credible sources to create an archive of deck lists, set lists, tournament results, and more, and has a strong article series highlighting numerous cards and retro formats. (And no, I am not payed, and PTCGLEGENDS doesn't compete for Pokébeach's niche as a source of contemporary strategy articles, tournament reports, and TCG news.)
    Just saw your Marshadow entry for Fakers Marathon. It kinda reminds me of my Mimikyu SVD from my custom set last year. Making your opponent use 1 of your own attacks is a great concept that imo should be explored more!
    Thanks for commenting on my card! I find it encouraging that you took the time to share what it reminded you of and to share some of your own memories of custom card design.
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    Wow!! Your Porygon is very creative and unique too! I admire it! It might seem a little OP because its Ability can be used consecutively, but the idea has potential to expand and open doors to new tactics. I might even make fakes in the future using this idea!
    Thanks again, bbb888! I don't remember having seen this last reply at the time, but the feedback will be useful if I ever add an effect like Porygon's to a set for something like the Lackey plugin, and it would be great if you were able to take the concept even farther with your own custom cards. I'm glad you found it admirable and inspirational, as it's not every day someone's creation sparks that much enthusiasm.
    Last week, a player named Sean Adams hosted a 44 person, online 2004 Worlds tournament. Team Magma’s Groudon and Blaziken squared off in the final round again. While the Blaziken list that took second place in 2004 is outdated (newer lists replace Rayquaza ex for Ditto from Skyridge and Corsola from Hidden Legends), this video is still a fine example of 2004 gameplay.
    The Holon Phantom is now only 29 subscribers from hitting 1000! This is a rematch from his second tabletop battle video, which is also his second most popular video, but the quality of his videos have definitely improved since then, so I’m hoping this video will get almost as many views as the original. (As you can probably guess, I’m a big fan of this channel.)
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    I also hope my YouTube channel reaches 1000 subscribers someday... my channel is bbb888 (handle: @bbb_888)
    Anyways, this was another fun video! I feel like The Holon Phantom mainly plays with old cards. It would be refreshing to see them playtest with modern sets... oh, wait. People like Bewear The Terrible already do that. Lol ?
    Yes, the Holon Phantom specializes in retro formats, something few Pokémon YouTubers feature regularly. Fortunately he has covered all the Worlds formats and Wizards formats at least once (Usually many times), making this channel a valuable glimpse into the length and breadth of the game's history. He's still building new decks, too... he owns over 140!
    This is the first tabletop battle video for the Prop 15/3 format to use optimal lists! Prop 15/3 is one of my favorite formats and my go-to format for teaching the game to friends. To find out more about this hidden gem of a format, read about it on Jason Klaczynski’s blog!
    I just watched this video, it was awesome. Never played Prop 15/3 but I probably will eventually.
    I’m feeling the same way about Worlds 2004 right now… I’m not sure if I want to dip my toes into the water, but it looks interesting, and I’ve seen some cool content (in my case, an article) that got me thinking.
    If you see me on TCGONE, ask if I’m available to play Prop 15/3!
    Sorry it took me so long to respond.
    Hope you are doing well.
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