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  • Afro-G, Okay! I don't use my skype! Can you make up your mind? Do you want me to use skype or not? &-&
    What's so serious? How is Sir serious? I thought it was just more respectfull?! What did you think?
    That's okay I saw that mistake being pointed out for a mile away.

    Okay Afro, taco wanted me to get on so she changed her name to Pikaboo and then I was like "Dude everyone is going to get confused.... So it took me like ten mintures to get may password and nick name to go. You know it always takes me forever to actually log into chat xD I don't get it how people do it so fast!!!!
    Afro-G, oh I mean... I have Skype and use it like Alll the time!!!! xD just like you Sir Afro G!!
    I neve thought about it like that. That does make sense that the conversation goes on longer when you type more!!! Sweetness.

    Yes sir ye!!!! I'm still doing it I ment that I got a game boy color to play the game on =D sorry about that.
    Afro-G, well as long as you enjoy doing that, it's all good :D I have a Skype buy I never use it. Just got one to get one I guess. =)
    Don't worry. When I saw the size of your post I was expecting a life story but I like that I was just something simple and stuffs.
    I will try to remember to do so!!!! Besides, I need to put up the next to chapters or so of my nuzolock. I'm still playing it but I kind of have come to a major grinding slam. ( I even went put and go a green game boy color to play it on! =D)
    Afro-G, taco's actually on the chat. She texted me about it. Sorry if she's Bering a butthead.
    So. I'm doing good. Finales are done with and I didn't fail I think... And yeah. Went to the anime store and giggled at all the cute pikachu stuff. There were all sooooooo cute!!!

    And what about you mr. Afro-G?
    Put me in trouble for trying to get my parents (World Champion Procrastinators) to get wi fi that isn't mobile. Plus I want to do the one prank. Maybe I'll eat up my mom's iPad's GB to make her realize that she needs it too. She told me she would do it a month ago.

    Every year hundreds of teenagers die from lack of Youtube. Whether they watch NigaHiga videos or Justin Bieber, us teenagers are united by video streaming. You can help by making a kind donation for teenagers to bribe their parents.
    * Spongebob pokes Afro-G

    Glad you like it!

    And sometimes you came to talk, to me.
    Looks like it all comes down to us two as profile stalkers. o_O
    How've you been recently?
    Afro-G, Yer dern tootin' ;D Haha

    I can see it... Your future... I see iiiiiit.... @o@
    * Spongebob pokes Afro-G

    It's alright, I'll add you today! I planned on doing it, but I keep forgetting.

    Okay, I'll come poke you if I need a bump on my profile
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