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  • * Spongebob pokes Afro-G

    Yay, somebody won't complain.

    Anyways, that sounds cool!

    Today I came back to school.
    * Spongebob pokes Afro-G

    Well I just adore Spogebob. So it's perfect. At least you don't complain. :3

    Oh and I had a great New Years. One New Years eve we go to my Grandma's houe and open up our stockings we have there. I got candy, chocolate, necklace, bracelet, toys, and more candy. How was yours?
    * Spongebob pokes Afro-G

    Maybe I should fine a darker yellow to write with....
    Do you happen to play Marvel vs Capcom 3?(Sorry if this is rather sudden of a question)
    Are you having any problems logging into Skype? Were you can barely say anything or get anywhere and then it shuts down?
    Busy playing that is. And my friends calling me. Like today. Two friends called me. My BFF and a guy. :3

    * Love pokes Afro-G
    I'm going to take that as a compliment somehow!
    Afro-G, Well you gotta make it clear you're joking.
    Or else I WILL get upset...maybe a little more than you want me to...
    Sorry it's just this thing i do where somebody points something out I've done a tiny bit wrong and i freak out over it. No big deal
    .Afro-G, i know /me doesnt work on profiles hahaha
    I was making a joke...that was a joke, get it..../me was a....*sigh*
    And yes, i posted them twice but once was because i didnt hit the reply button and i thought it didnt send
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