My name is Darrius, and I'm a bad mofo. I also left my facebook account open on my future boss's laptop so she could hijack my status at 8am. Don't like it then you can watch my Kirby dance: (>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) (>'-')>
Yeah. lol
I know. I hate it when I mmake misplays and only realize after I make them. You should fix it to make it more you. Good luck and have fun. I have one on New Years, but it's two hours away so I don't know if I can go.
Dang it. I forgot to delete it. oh well
Maybe. That's cool. Misplays suck don't they. Fourth isn't that bad. Good job though. At least you got CP. That's pretty well for just having building it the night before. What about you? Do you plan on going to anymore before Cities end?
Afro-G, No Internet still. I'm just hogging the IPad for now. Believe me, I've begged and begged to call, and we were supposed to call four days ago. >_<