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  • Because I am doubtful that you're drawing a cat body "for a friend", haha. Just kidding.
    Thank you very much. I try my best to help whenever there's a shortage of willing people. I enter the contests in WC, hoping others will follow. It's like the others are unwilling to join. A little like one of those cartoons where someone asks, "Who will join the war?" and everybody except me steps backwards. It's always been that way with me. When everybody is too scared to do something, I step forward.

    Dark Giratina said:
    But what about those people who aspire to contribute? They are definitely a different level than the rest of the members.

    I agree. Pokebeach wouldn't even exist without people like WPM, Shining Rakiou, King Arceus, Incinermyn, and others. WPM can't just take care of this by himself. If all the mods just went and disappeared on him, what happens?

    Dark Giratina said:
    Seriously, why would everyone fuss about a member's join date?

    Maybe because they'd require the subject to be knowledgeable of Pokebeach, right? Would you mod a member who joined a day ago?

    I salute you for your words. I won't forget this.

    Maybe, if I can stay active for long enough. I can try.

    The reason I wouldn't want to become modded... Well, at the current time, I think it's way too early, even though I joined a year ago. And second, it takes a lot of work and effort, especially in lower-activity forums. Finally, I just want to help out. If my usergroup changes to Contributor, I will be glad to stay in that usergroup. Why do you ask?
    A million internets to you, sir. That quote is so true. Many people call me smart, but I try and stay humble. I'm not exactly the type that's a know-it-all, if you know what I mean. But it'd be always good to improve everyday.

    I don't think that way. I'd never consider being modded as your reason of wanting to contribute. I wasn't trying to stop you. If it helps, Dark Giratina, I'll be supporting you. If I myself wanted to be a Contributor, I'd pick the Writer's Corner for sure. It has so little activity. But there is the one thing I'm determined to not achieve, and that is being modded.

    I do have to give props to you, though. You really have a great deal of determination. Don't let anything stop you.
    I prefer the term "tutoring", but not really at the moment. I was giving some advice to some newer players who made "I need some help" threads in the VG forum a while ago, but nothing at the moment.
    Apprenticed? Haha, I've tutored about 7 or 8 people competitively, although that doesn't count people that I've just given advice to. Some of them weren't even on this site.
    Hey, you seem to know your stuff so far. That's better than most people who get into VG this quickly. Since you have the information, now you just need to work on simple battle mechanics, like prediction. You can check some videos on youtube, like this one, to get some info on prediction and whatnot. And if you ever need some practice battles, I'll try to be online as often as I can.
    Hey, we were all n00bs at one point (yes, even me). Just keep practicing and learning what you can, it's what the VG forum is for.
    I give it four thumb-ups- two from my hands and two from my feet. :)

    Trust me, it's pretty hard. You have to update contests and all. The top two forums that are the hardest to keep up-to-date would be probably the Writer's Corner and the TCG section. Just ask Incinermyn or a mod from the TCG forums... >_<;
    Haha, that I do. If you want to become a contributor, then you'll need to start posting around the VG forum, and discussing/helping other members with VG. But if there's stuff you're still unsure about, just lurk around the VG forum a bit or ask me or a VG mod any questions you've got. You'll be a VG regular in no time. ;D
    Hmm, I could consider VG, but I'm not too into trading and all that, so....

    And, oh, if you want to become a mod, don't get your hopes up. Although you can help with things like entering unpopular contests and stuff. And give a shot at art!
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