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  • Ah, good - you're a good multitasker then. Excellent.
    Does that make you any less worried/concerned?
    It's 605, actually :p

    You like doing multiple things at once? Do you know you'll be able to effectively do them both as opposed to doing them just one at a time?
    Mmm, sorry if I disappointed you. I'm probably not going to be really active this week either.
    What's top on your priority list right now/what do you think you need to do the most?
    If you can, try to get that out of the way first. Then, think of the 2nd most important thing you think you need to do, and get that out of the way.

    ...Basically, try to organize what you want to do and tackle them one at a time.
    Heh, I feel that. I'm a terrible procrastinator, so I know what it feels like to want to do something, but then get caught up with other things and then forget completely about the original thing. (Heck, I just remembered about something else right now I meant to finish up last week.)

    What are the sorts of things you want to do before you lose your chance?
    Oh wow. a lot of stuff.
    I know how it feels to move; I used to move around a lot when I was younger and it was really irritating to move into a house only to know that I'd be moving out 18 months later. (Yeah, it was basically 18 months on the dot each time.) Fortunately, I have been living in the house I've been in now since I was 9 or so...and I'm relieved.

    But I can appreciate how anxious you're feeling. Will you be moving locally or somewhere else on the continent?
    ...How can you be impatient about everything? Are other things coming up in your near future?
    Enjoying personal freedom that a license brings.

    ...Impatient? For what, Assassin's Creed 3? Isn't that 3 months away?
    And if it's a trouble for you to read through, it is a bit much to expect others to do so too, right?

    I'm just throwing out a suggestion that you could use to get people to read it, that's all.

    Sorry to be a bit of a downer; that wasn't my intent. How are you feeling?
    Then you could prune it to just the ones you think are the best. Narrowing it down to 50 (max) would be a good idea, imo.
    Do you know that no one's reading them or do you just assume that?

    Alternatively, if you wanted, you could just keep a handful of quotes (maybe 50 or so?) of the quotes you think are the best.
    The magical disappearing quote section.
    Any reason you keep adding and removing it?
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