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  • Dark Giratina, No problem, I'm glad to help. :) The golden border is actually a separate file that I paste the background into. (Alternately, the border can be added to the background by using the "Add Borders" effect if your program has it.)

    After I paste the background into the border I resize it according to the size I need the avatar to be, then paste the Pokémon into the image and erase the parts I don't want sticking out of the border.
    My whole family has had weight issues. Only during the past two years did my parents get into a weight loss regimen, and even then it was because they both had their stomachs reduced through surgery. Together, they've lost over three hundred pounds. Recently my sister started on a Medifast diet similar the diet they now have to follow. It's working for her, too. I myself have just started working out again and watching what and how much I eat. I've lost over ten pounds during the past few weeks because of that alone, though I haven't got a specific routine aside from walking and avoiding unnecessary snacking between meals. Cutting out sugary drinks probably helped too (I was especially bad with Pepsi and Dr. Pepper).
    It's something my mom started my family on after she had her gastric bypass a year and a half ago. I've been at it for about two months off-and-on, though I did a lot of walking last summer.
    Not sure. I know that each lap is a quarter of a mile, but I forgot how many meters that would be. >_<
    I try to. It depends on the weather, my mood, and other stuff. I only just started doing ten a night a few days ago. Otherwise I average between four and eight.
    Mmm, I didn't think we argued... Sorry if I left you with that impression... I just took off for a while for my nightly walk. I did ten laps at the track by my town's high school, a personal best.
    Dark Giratina, Yeah. I lay down a base color (or multiple colors) then brighten / darken as needed, then use the radial blur on the brightest part, then adjust the colors / sharpness / whatever else.
    Dark Giratina, I'm not offline; I have my status always set to "hidden". Mods can still see that I'm online even while hidden, but anyone below that cannot.
    Dark Giratina, It's pretty easy as long as the art program you're using has the right tools. The backgrounds I make for the avatars are mostly made using the Brighten/Darken tool and the Radial Blur effect with some color changing here and there.
    Dark Giratina, at least you recognize that. Most people think it's just a perk that I do. But it's definitely one of the main things I do.
    Dark Giratina, yeah, I mean those two.
    About a year ago it was ultimately only allowed that only 3 game series were allowed to keep going. They were The Challenge, Werewolf, and Trivia of DNA. (Yeah, my own game made it in.)

    And now I want to try and run all 3 at the same time, just to drive myself crazy.
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