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  • Dark Giratina, do you view Entertainment & Games at all? or do you know of what games are allowed on Pokebeach anymore?
    Dark Giratina, everything? Really, everything? because if that's true, that's great!
    I'm doing very well also - I'm enjoying Conquest, plus I get to GM two of the popular games going on right now. Only 3 are allowed at Pokebeach anymore, and ironically, the 3rd of those games is my own original creation, but it's currently on hiatus (because I can't GM all 3 at once - it would be too strenuous).

    It sounds more like you just have a competitive streak to me. I don't think you should talk down about yourself over things like that. I don't see it as something bad. True powermongering is trying to control everything that goes on, not what you described...
    Mmm, you know that there is a 'code of conduct' that we mods have to follow, right? It should go without saying that we can't do whatever we please without consequences. It mostly deals in commonsense stuff like not warning or banning people without just cause. The punishment is usually demotion and severe reprimand.
    Zy used to be a mod, you know? He and [member]Crystal Hikara[/member] doubled as the WC's mods until they got too busy in real life. I was basically their replacement. Now Zy is back as a contributor but seems half and half about wanting modship again. A lot of the contributors seem a little bent more on maybe getting the position than you give them credit, but that's not a bad goal either. So long as you enjoy helping out, that is all that matters really.
    You should aim for a contributor position then. It one notch below mod and has a few extra perks. It would mean having to get/keep a good rep and actually help out where you can, but it's a worthwhile goal if you like this site. It may eventually lead to a mod position too, if an opening comes up. That's really the biggest factor, the whole "if someone is needed." Again, I'm not talking you down. This is just how it is.
    Chances are slim to none here unless there's a need for new staff, like when someone retires as you've probably seen. It also helps to be knowledgeable about the TCG, video games, fan works, or Pokemon in-general. Even then, the super mods make the final decision on who gets put on staff.
    That's what I meant. It's more of a secretarial job than a full seat of power. I'm not trying to demean modship, just it's got a limit to its powers. Also, aw, but it's fun being a living pooltoy blown up to near bursting!
    Dark Giratina, *LM falls over and accidentally thundershocks LB but luckily it doesn't effect him.*
    But they and WPM are the only ones. Mods are mostly alloted the power to look up IP info like I said, and that's it. We don't get admin abilities unless we're promoted. I can close, edit, delete, and hide threads/posts as well as warn/ban unruly members, and that's about it too.
    No. We just record them to keep track of who's who and weed out bots, trolls, and multi-account violators. There's no point in tracing where an IP address is physically located for an online forum since users are worldwide.
    Eh, not necessarily. The IP logs only tell me what an address is, who's used it, and what network it's based out of. To my knowledge, they won't give out its location. Even if it did, I wouldn't use that info to stalk you or anything if that's what you were implying.
    Do you live in a city or urban area? Rural school districts like where I live have years that start earlier in the fall and end before summer officially begins. It may just vary by area, though.
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