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  • I change them based on my mood. Right now, I'm reacquainting myself with my love of inflation and pooltoy transformation art. Next, I may go with something more serious.
    Nah, you only need to register if you want to be a part of the forums, the rest of the information can be accessed anytime from the main page. I should be available all weekend, and I'm available starting around 5:00 or 6:00 PM during the week due to work. Just hit me up any time you see me online, and I should be free enough to chat.
    Awesome! Anytime you feel that you'd like some tutoring, just find me on chat or PM me, and we can cover the basics from there. But before I do, I want to introduce you to Smogon. It's safe to say competitive battling would be almost nonexistant without Smogon. It's a website containing an analysis on every single Pokemon, from what moves they learn, their stats, possible abilities, everything. It's even got multiple articles about gameplay specifics and how the game works to newer players. If you have some spare time, make sure to check out the wealth of information it contains for newer players.
    Well, I hear there's this cool ex-mod who loves teaching people about competitive VG. :] But seriously, if you ever want to get into VG or you just want to learn the basics for knowledge's sake, just ask, and I'd be happy to give you some pointers.
    Really? I never knew I was so popular. :1 And you should definitely should try the VG out sometime! It's just as, if not more competitive than the TCG, and I'm NOT even kidding. ;3
    D'aww, thanks. :3 I think being a mod for a couple of months let me leave my mark, haha. Making friends has been the best part, no doubt, and it's even better when you meet them irl.
    Ah, don't worry about it, you're not missing anything AMAZING, I'm just a rambling old coot. I like the updated forums, and there have been a lot of helpful features and things of that nature since 2007, along with many great members.
    Not bad, just different. Posts, profiles, and things like that were totally different. Makes me feel old, haha.
    I'm late 2007, which is longer that a lot of people who are here now, although my post count doesn't reflect that. Pokebeach was so different back then, sheesh. I'd pay someone just for an old screenshot of a pre-2008 post.
    Can't remember. Probably Blastoise or something like that, I'm sure one of the 2006 vets could tell you.
    WPM's had the same avatar ever since 4th gen was announced. omaha's had the same one ever since he registered, which is years.

    I totally understand, haha. I always thought avatars were supposed to represent how you felt at the moment, so that's why I change them spontaneously. I couldn't bear to keep the same avatar for so long, like omahanime and WPM have.
    Dark Giratina,
    My opening is only for a little bit right now, so respond ASAP if you get this in time.
    Most likely, although I can't remember for sure. I'll see what parts of the series I can find online.
    Chances are that if Toonami aired it, I was a fan of it. I only ever managed to get Liger Zero as far as the mechas went, and I'm still surprised it's in one piece, considering all it's been through. But it's always nice to find another fan. :3
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