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  • *Takes airhose out of DG's mouth and undoes the plug where his belly-button used to be, then watches his pooltoy body deflate!* I love deflation too. I can't stand bursting, though; that's just bad.
    I loved Zoids as well, I caught it on Toonami whenever I could. I still even have a Liger Zero toy that lights up, makes sounds and everything, haha.
    *does the same to you again to make us both grow to overinflated sizes!* Yay, inflation! <3<3<3
    *Tapes a magic airhose to DG's mouth, then begins to inflate and transform him into a pooltoy Pokemon too.*
    That's actually right, once I think about it, haha. I pretty much love any show/movie with fighting robots in it, and those are no exceptions.
    You're basically right. It's from an old anime/video game called Medabots, which was one of my favorite shows when I was kid. Even though it wasn't a great anime, it still has my undying love. You should check it out, all of the episodes are up on YouTube.
    Dark Giratina, It might have to be late tonight, but I'll try my hardest to get it in.
    Dark Giratina, And of course it turns out that they are coming an hour earlier.


    I can probably play later tonight. If not, does Sunday work for you?
    .-. Well, it's not like stuff is private when it's right on your wall. Besides, I'm harmless.
    Ha, I saw that. It's no different than me RPing as my avatar's character with you or Zy. Anyways, I intended to use Giratina in my fanfics as one of Otulp's main henchmen along with Canersia and Darkrai. I always thought of him as a strong villian or antihero.
    That's a good thing. He needs good fans. I also like him a lot (along with Shaymin. Oh, god, do I love Shaymin!). Ick, now I want to find inflation pics that much more... o_O
    I'll see if I can find those pics again and inflated Giratina ones, then link them to you sometime. I can't right now since I'm just on via phone and may not have Wi-fi access until tomorrow. Now that I think about it, I want to change to an inflated Gira avvy too sometime.
    Alas, I haven't yet. I've been trying to look for one, but haven't come across any (I've found lots of soft vore ones, though, usually with Giratina eating other Pokemon and getting fat). If I do find one, I'll link it.
    Dark Giratina, Wait, is 2 your time 4 my time? If it is, I could definitely play then.
    Dark Giratina, Yeah, sorry man, but my deadline is about 4:30 my time, which would be an hour and a half earlier. Could you do that or any time before that?
    Dark Giratina, Yeah, I can do that. 2 is in 20 minutes my time, did you mean your time?
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