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  • Dark Giratina, Yes, now I saw that. Now im gonna go change my avy and make a new comment similar to it. xD
    *Resists King's Disposition and gains control over DG's mind with her Mutiny ability, making him rampage wildly away from her.*
    *Vaspudem lunges at DG again, but suddenly backs away as soon as she realizes he's turned into Black Kyurem.*
    Dark Giratina,
    Sorry Iv been dead for a while Im away
    Iv heard of it but Iv never been much of an anime person, might have to check it out now though
    Dark Giratina, *Little Moko puts a blanket made of Flaaffy fur onto Little Gira to keep him warm*
    Dark Giratina, *Little Moko gobbles up the poffins and the candy and gives Little Gira poffins, candy, cookies, and many other sweet treats!*
    Hey, I want to be one too! *Drinks Moomoo Milk and turns into a Miltank himself!* Much better!
    *Moos and turns DG intn a cow.* :p Now I'm just being silly.
    *Puts mouth over DG's entire head and starts sucking on it like a bottle.*
    *Opens third eye again and turns DG to stone (like Medusa, her mythological counterpart, would.*
    *Vaspudem reforms her body and transforms into humanoid form. Her piercing gaze momentarily turns her brother's pet into stone and expels DG. Closing her third eye, she summons a gigantic spiky-mace into her right hand and then slams into the ground near DG to scare him.*
    *Vaspudem regenerates her organs and returns to the dreamtime. She locates DG's spirit and binds it in her coils, paralyzing his physical body as a result.*
    Wokawokawokawokawoka! *Unleashes ghosts after DG!*
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