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  • *Esophagus fills with a soothing pheromone that makes DG comfy and relaxed about being eaten.*
    Two hours too late for Noxeon. *Vaspudem swallow Dark Giratina whole and still has room for seconds.*
    *Noxeon licks DG with his long sticky tongue.*
    *Noxeon attaches his maw to DG's neck and starts sucking blood again joyfully.* Oh, hi!
    Dark Giratina, the background on your avatar. I recognize it as the user of Darkness Lost.
    When we're working steadily, yes. On a good week, we can earn between a few hundred and a thousand or more dollars. Sadly, work has been pretty slow until the past month or two and we've had weeks where we don't make any money at all.
    Install flooring, mostly carpet and vinyl. It's a lot of hard labor, especially when we carry heavy objects and crawl around on our knees all day.
    Aw, but you legendaries always have the most nutrient-rich blood... :'( Yeah. Well, after HS graduation, life gets even tougher. If you don't have a job already when you graduate, you'll have to find one soon. I sort of lucked and went to work with my dad, something I still do today. I'm actually his partner now.
    *Noxeon clamps onto DG's neck again and starts sucking more blood. (Hope this roleplaying's not creeping you out. I like pretending to be my avatar's character when chatting with penpals via profile messages, and Noxeon is a parasitic Eeveelution.)* So yeah, most schools in my area let out by early June. Not sure if it's because we're rural or what.
    I understand that. My old school's years never went longer than the first Wednesday in June, and sometimes let out before the end of May. In college, my spring semester was normally over by mid-May.
    Oof... I'm not in school anymore, but I know that my school district let out a week ago. Must not be fun going well into June and still not being out for summer?
    *Noxeon gently clamps onto DG's necks and starts sucking blood in a friendly and joking manner.* Even parasites can be nice when it comes to sucking their friend's blood, right? JK... Anything new?
    I see you got CMP to do it, but yes, I can lock threads anywhere. I just usually won't unless I have to.
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