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  • Kind of busy with work and my stories. I found time to work on Feral Twilight today since I was off.
    *Bramback taps DG on the shoulder from across the room with his thorny vine.*
    Dark Giratina, Hey man, hit up my poetry thread! :D Youll see what I write in that! :) let me know what you think
    Dark Giratina, well, very nice indeed! I've never been competitive (a) due to costs and (B) cuz I really don't have any local leagues. I have successfully done everything in White, and now looking to Ev train some guys! :) have a shining sandstorm team I use and love. :) I love to write, and I especially LOVE playing Final Fantasy. It's epic! :)
    Dark Giratina, Ah man, seems like a lot on your plate! So, I will properly introduce myself. I am Will, aka BlastBurn or HydroCannon, whichever suits your fancy! :) been a long term collector, as I love the Pokemon cards. I play Pokemon White, have an epic team, and hope to hit Wi-Fi so I can battle others online. Hbu?
    Dark Giratina, Than you sir, I am rather a fan of such powerful moves! :) life is amazing! I can't complain! Hbu?
    Dark Giratina,
    Standard unimportant mid highschool crap haha. And I know, Im getting it in June in Japanese and doing a playthrough on my channel. Im doing platinum on there right now. And no sorry, I used to collect but gave up after realizing how much $ I was shelling out. Im very big on VG though
    Dark Giratina,
    Maybe when Im done graduation and summer really starts :)
    Well Iv been trying lots of things in the last week so why not? And this would end up right before black and white 2...perfect timing
    Dark Giratina,
    Hmmm. I would enjoy writing a deadspace one as Im really familiar with the terminology, plot, and could set it up fairly well I imagine. The problem is I have no experience haha. I could also do Halo I guess. Its rather odd...I have a great deal of love for sci fi shooters and then...pokemon haha. Pokemon wise Id really enjoy reading a fanfic based around N's earlier life up to black and white...that would be a good read.
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