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  • Dark Giratina,
    Im interested in fanfaction, particularly when it is original but is constrained to the known universe of the game.
    In terms of books I prefur sci fi and horror...I am also a big fan of the Dead Space series and the book written for that was very good. I can write when I want to but I lack motivation and havent done much.
    Dark Giratina,
    No worries, I actually just got done finals last week we get done really early its great. And awesome cant wait to read whats your subject matter?
    Meh, sorry. I just logged off for the night by the time you replied back. Anyways, I used to collect TCG cards, but stopped after Delta Species because I was tired of shelling out five to ten bucks a pop for booster pack and premade decks. I only played the actual card gamd a few times against my sister and dad, but we never got into it much. Also, unlike the TCG, the videogames are less expensive accumulatively and don't require constant purchasing to keep up with. They only come out a few times a year too and are far easier to keep up with.
    Also, mmm... Being a mod is more of a formality than anything else. It mostly entails maintaining order in my assigned area (the Writer's Corner) and keeping some kind of activity going. A lot of times I just try to keep up with stuff in Community Works and casual gaming stuff.
    My sister is the one who hated it, not me. I love eating sushi when I can.
    Crab meat, kelp, rice, and some spices. I'm not sure what specific kind it was, but it tasted good to me.
    A few weeks ago at an Asian buffet. I had it along with some other things, but I like it a lot. My sister hates it because she doesn't like the taste of some kinds of sushi, which was why I grossed her out the last time we were somewhere that served it.
    Awesome! I love sushi! I got pretty handy at using chopsticks after I started trying it.
    Fine until my mother found a reason to yell at me after a fairly long day at work... .-.
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