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  • Oh my, it's been so long that I've almost forgot. Well, it was pretty much just blue and white as far as a color palette goes. There weren't any of the pretty beach designs or banners we have here now, either, as well as all of the fancy Staryu and Starmie icons being replaced by dull red or gray Pokebealls. The profile layout was completely different as well; profile comments didn't exist. The Forum News and other features we take for granted today didn't exist either. The orange we have now was so different from the stark white layout we had earlier that some members hated the change originally. And the best part is that WPM had been hinting at the change as a "mass project" that created mass paranoia for years, named "Phase Moltres". Once it was finally revealed we all took a sigh of relief.
    Yep. In my Dark Nostalgia fics, she's one of two siblings who created the foundations of the Multiverse. She's the one who created the Beyi Quofyi, which is suppose the source of dreams and memories.
    Dark Giratina, Ohai. (Was just opening a lot of cards I had bought, got a Prime :D)
    Dark Giratina, Whatever. It's not worth arguing over. XD

    Sorry about that ^.^
    Dark Giratina, The game's not valid anymore, and you looked at my profile right after he sent me the link. In fact, you're the ONLY person who looked at it after he sent me the link.
    Dark Giratina, whatever ones you want.
    You want to be the ninja, right? Tell me what you want! (In PM or private chat.)
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