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  • Eh? No. Can't say I do. I was replying to your other comment and missed your newer one.
    Morning! To answer your question, my avatar is Beyi-geyi, one of my Legendary Fakemon.
    It was a last second joke that was just too good to pass up! I want to hit myself for not making it before.
    Judging by your profile comments, I figured you guys were friends, haha. And I know Mokoko a little as well, I tried to introduce him to VG. So yeah, if either of you wanna drop by Skype, you're always welcome to.
    Haha, to the point. I like it. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm C-3PO, human-cyborg relations ShadowLugia, but everyone around here calls me Jake. At the moment, I'm simply enjoying the beginning of the first summer I've had as a college student. Thank you very much for asking! Anyways, I'd very much like to see you and Mokoko on the PokeBeach chat or Skype group sometime, we always enjoy having new people to talk to.
    Oh, hello! Have we met? I have this gut-wrenching feeling that I know you, but your username change has me in the dark. As everyone I know will tell you, I have the worst memory.
    *Beyi-geyi hovers behind Dark Giratina ominously, waiting to see his reaction when he notices her.* Hi!
    Dark Giratina, Ill have to check, I dont really remember. Im not finished but I know its between 1100-1500 words so far.
    Dark Giratina, I've practiced on Pokemon Online a bit, and have been working on an article. IDK how long it should be though.
    Dark Giratina, Thanks! I've still got 2 left because I missed Friday so everyone except me is now on Summer Vacation :/
    Terrible graphics and all-around bad gameplay. I didn't try them until well after I got Crystal and only played Yellow, which was by far one of the worst games I've played. I did enjoy the remakes a lot, though, but mostly because they were Third Gen games (which was my favorite gen, by far).
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