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  • I don't know if you can. I'm trying to figure out how to include my Fakemon Zomborg. I was planning on having my main characters find an unconscious one in ruins they have to explore during a rescue mission, but it doesn't awaken until after they leave it. It then pursues and eventually attacks them. Once they beat it, I don't know whether I want him to join their team or run away and find them again later.
    You can critique TPOR anytime if you want, sorry for not mentioning this earlier, I'm editing it little by little now.
    Moderation, I suppose. I've been pretty busy myself, but I've managed to sneak a few hours in.
    Forsooth. I'm almost finished on my second runtrhough of Borderlands 2. D=
    He's doing God's work.

    But not really, haha. Minecraft's a good game, but there are other games out there too, and you certainly shouldn't be playing it that much.
    A reference to my next update for Biohazard... I'm not sure how to finish it. I'm also at a cross as to how to continue it. .-.
    Tweak, tweak, and done! I mostly updated the URLs in the OP as well as removed links to threads that no longer exist (like the Tier List), and added 1 or 2 small things in their place. Everything should be working.

    You're free to edit it after that however you please.
    Dark-Giratina, darn, my plan failed. Or did it? THEY ARE ALL MODEST MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! >:D
    Quick question:
    In this thread here, I know you have a lot of links and such to other topics on Pokebeach (usually articles). However, the forums went under maintenance today, and in the process, the only thread links that work are the ones that use the old number formatting, instead of the newer word formatting - thus, a lot of those links are now broken.

    Would you like me to look through the thread tomorrow (Friday) and patch it up for you, replacing all the links appropriately? or can you handle that yourself?
    (I'd do it tonight, but as of when I'm writing this it's 7 minutes to midnight. Plus, I figure I should run it by you first.)
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