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  • I'll be online until about 5:30 PM (CDT) tonight then. If we can't discuss the project enough, we can always just do it over PM. That's probably a little more effective since we can actually quote passages and elaborate on things more. All I wanted to do was just get your opinions on that guide I sent, as a start anyways.
    Dark-Giratina, in a very trolling mood apparently

    Nah, I'm good for the most part, despite getting extremely little sleep the last few nights because of regionals and studying for tests and stuff, so I'm extremely tired. The week has been pretty good besides that, including pulling a Garchomp out of a single pack (IDK if you know the TCG, but that's a pretty good pull, especially from just one pack) and regionals being a ton of fun.

    And you?
    The other chapters would be nice as well, considering you didn't give your thoughts about them. Do what time allows. I don't want you to be pressured into it.
    That quote in your bio...'s very true. I hate people like these who lack love- most of them are just plain greedy. Trust me, there are people out there like these. I've experienced it firsthand, and they lie a lot. :(
    Dark-Giratina, You're right... whatevs, Imma stay up until my 3DS dies. :3
    Mm, I see. So...oh, that'd be like 'same as always'. When does something exciting happen for you?
    Sweet. I even missed my master cup battle, ah well. I should be good to go near the end of the week, who knows.
    Dark-Giratina, Seriously pick one Pokemon available pre E4, not Feebas, or is a water or grass-type, on Emerald version or someone else shall pick instead of you >_>
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