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  • Well, I have to disagree about that being harsh/cold because I do that sometimes. It's just rare that I have to.
    I tried, so I ended up warning him mildly. I just don't like being patronized, especially when he has been told off several times already about what he's done wrong.
    I would put him on my ignore list, but for professional reasons, I can't because the person posts in forums I help monitor (basically, Community Works in general). I rarely close threads and almost never dole out warnings unless I absolutely have to. The fact that I ended up having to close a few of said person's threads is no reason to blow up at me like he did.
    *sighs* I'm in sort of a foul mood today. If you've seen some of the messages on my profile, you'll know why. I hate dealing with people who consistently don't read or follow rules.
    You should forward such links to super mods. I can ban bots, but can't delete or IP ban them, which I wish I could do since I try and pick off obvious bots before they become active
    Dark-Giratina, not in a serious manner, anyway. I'm still just content with dabbling and going at my own pace.
    Dark-Giratina, yeah, I can see what you mean. I'm trying to figure out how to color pencil drawings on GIMP, but I don't want to try and attempt that unless I have a LOT of spare time on my hands, because the process looks pretty cumbersome.
    I completely forgot about that.

    oh right, no school and you're having fun spriting! how's it coming so far?
    Dark-Giratina, just one more step before you climb in their windows and snatch their people up.
    In the games, it looks more ox-like to me. Drawings make it look more like a person's. I don't know how else to describe it. It look uglier in the latter than it does in the first. Actually, I'd go so far as to call the canon art disturbing in comparison to the sprite art.
    The only problem I've ever had with Terrakion is that the canon art makes its face look weirder than its sprite does. Otherwise, it's my favorite member of the 'Musketeer' quartet.
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